in #livethedream7 years ago

I am doing what I want and when I want- No one is going to tell me otherwise.

Please allow me to explain what lead up to this moment genuinely worth celebrating. Hello I'm @shello, the system can't hold me down any longer.

Me and Barbara at a real Hawaiian Luau! This gets it's own story!

Hold Firm to Your Work Agreement

I've shared about this before, that this time I was going to be strong about my expectations for this job and not let others walk all over me. I applied for the 7am-11am shift for part-time, but that ended up not being what they would hire me for. I informed management what days my major assignments were due for school each week, but they gave me off days that would not coincide with them on an ever-changing week by week schedule. I accommodated them by restructuring my schedule and starting everything earlier to stay caught up. Just because my job seems "easy", they have no right to treat me like a lesser human being.

Choosing to Leave

Today, I was woken up to a text from my GM, asking if I was aware that I started at 4pm today. I sat up- because I was not. I looked at my whiteboard, and sure enough it said 6pm-10pm. I opened it on my phone, and it said I had 4 hours scheduled today, tomorrow, and that my total hours for the week were 19.3. Upon double-checking, my start and end times were extended, without showing the increased hours. I got there, dropped off my work shirt and apron, walked over to the schedule with a red marker and appended my hours to what they actually were before leaving.

Why am I so upset about an extra 4 hours on my schedule?

As per my work agreement, they need to inform and ask me if I can work extra hours. Not change my schedule and hoping I don't notice. They've hired two people after me and their hours are frozen at 19.3, where mine should also be according to corporate rules. Maybe I'm ranting, and I'm just angry. I requested two days out a couple of weeks ago to hang out with my relative Barbara, she's a 62 year old grandmother, but my first cousin on my father's side that I've never met.

It felt extremely inconsiderate of this company to increase my hours this week without informing me because I would be too busy to notice.

Maybe it's just me, but my managers do know that my homework is due every Wednesday and Sunday, but I'm always scheduled to work on those days. It might be due midnight on the mainland, but always 6 or 7pm Hawaii time. My class started on Monday, how am I 3 assignments behind already?

I Know My Value

Whenever I mentioned my current job, it was always accompanied by the feeling of; because it's "easy" I'll endure through the other bullshit that comes with it. Whatever I tell myself to sleep at night. Truth be told I've been offered 6 jobs, 4 in the same mall, two in the hotel I live at plus one with a good networked friend of mine since picking up this job in December. If I wanted to work for hourly wage, I could get a higher-paid job, no question. So why am I throwing away myself, my future, and possibilities to those who aim to control where I am and what I'm doing? It was time to leave.

Time Perception Changes Everything

Don't I sound like a little brat? What's an extra 4, 6 or 9 hours a day? If I even spent an extra 4 hours on Discord, or commenting others daily- there would be a noticeable difference. I spend at least 4 hours a week walking to and from work. I spend hours trying to adjust my schedule to accommodate for my shifts. I can't plan anything more than a week ahead because my hours aren't set. I refuse to be a slave to the clock.

This has secretly been bothering me for quite some time.

You see, I don't have to post the same time every day on Steemit. I don't have to participate the same time every day for school. I do it when I feel that I can, so having a part of my life be so seemingly obligatory is messing with how I want to be living as a whole.

What Happens Now?

I'm running a full overhaul on my blog, and although we are starting up slow- You can expect some huge things from me in the future, I'm not going anywhere. I can finally focus more on myself than what a company needs of me. I have some money to get by for the next few months, so I'm not walking in totally blind. I am terrified, but in a good way? For all I know, crypto could go to zero tomorrow, or my blogs could go back to making pennies. I may not make it, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to try for it.

This is the beginning of me being a full-time Steemit author, wish me luck!~

dont just dream it.png


Fuck the system. :)

Hell yeah fuck the system indeed <3

Hi @shello ! I was just gonna upvote without commenting, but I need to comment. :-)

I remember the day I decided to go into music fulltime - like it was yesterday. I was advised not to by my then boss( a good friend too). He was worried. I worked part time in sales, and part time teaching music. They had NEVER had an instructor make more than X amount per year. But, for me it was a calculated risk. I saw the other people who were "teaching" and they sucked. I knew it could be done - I knew it.

Success, if it happens, starts with a decision.
Whether your steemit blog ends up supporting you full time or not, I see you as a success. Not many people can/will make "The Decision" to go after, and own their future
...you did
of that, you should be proud.
Go get em'
oh, and you already know you have my support :-)

Thank you for commenting @melbookermusic,

It means a lot to me ♡ Calculated risk is right. I looked at my wage job and how much it was costing me in all other aspects of my life. Much like how you went head-first into teaching music, I want to be doing that with my blog and experiences, and the lessons I'm learning.

Thank you for giving me these words of envouragement. I'm so happy you vommented me today. Fail or succeed, I got this c:

With love,

do what you gotta do girl, I know steemit will be happy to see more of you!

I'm happy to get to see more of my friends on Steemit c: I will not settle for less!!!

Awesome! You rock Shello!

Thank you c: It's scary, but the only way to find out is to try! <3

All the best for your future on Steemit...God bless you on your new exciting journey! @shello :)

Thank you for your blessings @dianadee, the future is less scary when we have support!~☆

We all need encouragement and a fresh splash of hope, to get us on our way! :)

/ Credit - my own art

I love it!

Thank you again for the motivation :D

you should also look into Fiverr so you can generate some extra income on a pretty regular basis.

especially with your content creation skillsyou culd make some good money writing posts for peoples blogs and scripts etc...

Good luck!!

Thanks @masterroshi,

That's a great suggestion I'll look into c: If I want to live "off the grid" effectively, I'll definitely need to get creative and hone my skills.

With love,

All the best as you embark on this new journey. I'm sure you will truly enjoy it and stuff them for messing you around. I don't know why managers feel they have that right.

Thank you @jusipassetti!

It is a lot of new territory, with many lessons along the way. I will enjoy my new freedom, and managers can suck it. No one deserves to be a slave to another person. Thank you for the love <3

You are so right, don't let them walk all over you. Though decision though to quit, but very brave. You have to stand up for yourself cause not many people will these days. Life is all about choices, and the most important is to make the right choices which feel right.. Have a great day and all the succes in the world for you !!

I am nobody's tile flooring! :D

"Life is all about choices, and the most important is to make the right choices which feel right."

Hours later without an ounce of regret. Thank you for you support, life feels great!

Great to hear !!! Enjoy life !!

Glowing skin, looking Good :)

Haha, all the fun in the sun. Thank you!~

Just stumbled upon your blog and I think it is motivational and courageous! You go girl!! I hope one day to be able to also quit my slave wage, thankless, souless job. For now I cannot afford to do it, but with encouragement like your blog...well, it's got me thinking!

Thanks for stopping in @tamaralovelace! I'm getting better understanding of why I need to brave for myself. Haha, we'll find out in a couple of months if I need to slave wage again, but I'm not going down that easy. Everyone should do things because they want to amd not solely to survive. Thank you for you warm words ♡

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