Green life starts at home

Your house is your safe haven. If you want to make a positive difference, there is no better place than at home to start your green lifestyle. There are many ways to enjoy comfort, health and cosiness in your home while also limiting the impact on the environment, animals and people.

You can live green by decorating and cleaning your house in a green and healthy environment, carefully separating waste, being economical with water, raising pets green, gardening and more. At home, together with the transport kilometers, the greatest gain can be achieved when it comes to limiting CO2 emissions. Mainly efficient and economical use of renewable energy sources for gas and electricity gives the greatest environmental benefits, together with the insulation of your home.

We need energy for all our activities, from showering to making a cup of coffee, from food production to transport. You can call energy a first necessity of life, a source of more life comfort and possibilities to organize our world as we wish. The downside is that the environment and our health suffer from excessive energy consumption. Energy also costs money, more and more money, and because of this, saving energy has never been more fun.

You can generate energy yourself by installing solar panels, insulating your house well with environmentally friendly insulation materials, monitoring energy consumption per device and thus saving energy or receiving green energy from a local source. With solar panels you produce energy every day, even in cloudy weather. The sun is an inexhaustible and clean source of energy with which no greenhouse gases are released into the air when converted to electricity. The price of solar panels has halved in the past five years and the payback time plus 10 years. With 17 solar panels, an average family home can be supplied with all power.

What did you do at home to make it more sustain ?


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