in #livesustainably7 years ago (edited)


Information they say is power.

To be able to sustain this power, one has to have relevant information at his finger tips when required. The volume of information also guarantees the availability of power and also access to relevant information.

In the olden days, information was passed and retained from person to person. The ability to maintain accuracy and volume depended on the individual. As society develops, human and environmental situation or activities, population, organisations e.g. churches increases, so does information increases and requires to be maintained by the individual or group.


It is one or more statement or facts that are received by a human and that have some form of meaning to the recipient (receiver).
Information is data assembled in a comprehensive manner that is capable of being communicated and used by the proper recipient (people). It can be found in almost any form, paper, and reports, database, text equipment display, brochures, websites/portals, graphic diagrams, magazines, calendar etc.


Management is an act, manner or practice of managing, handling, supervision or control in order to achieve the desired objectives. It is the process of allocating organisations inputs, including human and economic resources by planning, organizing, directing and controlling for the purpose of producing results so that organisational objectives are accomplished. If management has the knowledge of the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of information its decision can be made on the basis of facts. Such decisions are more accurate and timely as a result.


Information is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. It entails organizing, retrieving, acquiring and maintaining information. It also involves manipulating the data into formats (information) that can be read, understood and acted upon by the proper recipient, storing the information and delivering it to the appropriate recipients at a time that will foster better working relations.


The matter of information management/ record keeping is one of the most importance duties devolving in the church. The need to manage this information for use becomes necessary. Over the years, keeping track of important information and data, files and documents has been the long-standing tradition. For instances, the earliest forms of written languages that we know were written on stones and papyrus scrolls. This seems to have been driven by our need to record events, rules, laws, etc.

As churches grow and expand so does information. In the 21st century, our infor.mgt has evolved to include mechanically and electronic data filling systems made simpler by advances in the computer industry allowing for data storage and maintenance. Today, the use of memo, bulletin, circular, email, Face book, telephone, was sap, twitter, flash- drive, CD rewriteable etc has made information dissemination and management better.

The contribution offered by the use of computers and other tools of information management has enabled churches to improve and upgrade its operation especially in the management of information of its members and other activities. It has enabled the users to meet the demand for reliable, quick accessibility and retrieval of data or information. As a result, handling, managing and storing of data or information is made easier by computer based system as human error is to a large extent reduced.

As information storage and management shifted to electronic means, it becomes more and more difficult. With the latest tools available, information management has become a powerful resources and a large expense for many churches and organisations. Information as we know it today includes both electronic and physical information. The church structure must be capable of managing its information throughout the information lifecycle regardless of source or format (data, paper document, audio, video etc) for delivery through multiple channels that includes cell phones and web interface.

This is ostensibly addressed and followed from the upper most senior levels of management to the line staff.



Information flows from the G.O or Pastor in charge of a local church to the leadership of the church to the department heads and to members of the church.

Organisations and churches must hold its employees accountable to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver information appropriately and responsibly. It must be made available and shared to those who need it. Discretion must be applied here as not all information is open to everyone.

Not many churches have the resources to maintain modern information management system, those who do, use them for administrative task such as record of church offerings, tithes, church register, account details, worship materials, minutes, etc. Should be precisely recorded and carefully preserved. Safety of such stored
information/data is critical. Information managers should be able to restore such information for use at any given time and be able to have backups in case of system failure or migration to a higher software system. Access to such information should be limited through the use of password to avoid leakages because not all information is meant for every congregation. The information that comes through counselling is properly managed; the Pastor like a doctor receives some deep family secrets and some confessions made by members. He keeps it to himself as classified information that is not open to all. E.g. Mathew 8 vs. 4. Jesus said to him see that you tell no one, but go your way, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony to them.


Information management is important because it is impossible to remember everything. Even the sharpest mind is subject to information overload.

It is important because it saves time in retrieving information. You will no longer have to spend two hrs or more hunting for data.

It makes for better decision making. Ezra 2:59-62.

Ezra the priest led a group of deportees from Babylon assisted in rebuilding the temple and restoring worship there. Because certain individuals were unable to produce appropriate documentation and valid family records, they were disqualified from ministering as priest. This would have been avoided if proper record was kept.
Good record enables one to make for good planning. Churches can refer to past record of events to identify strengths and weaknesses and make changes for improvement where necessary.


Everyone needs information. Everyone gathers information and keeps information. How you gather, update, disseminate, keep and retrieve your information determines to some extent your ability to make progress in your personal life and in your organisation (church). Churches must therefore device suitable means of managing its information gathering, dissemination, storage and retrieval as this will help them function effectively.
Thank you.

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