Zero Hunger Writing Competition Entry

in #livesustainably6 years ago (edited)

Image from pixabay

A zero hunger world is a tall order. Some would say it's an impossibility. I do not think it is impossible, but in order to achieve it we would have to fundamentally change our societies. I believe it comes down to the age-old dilemma between the Haves and the Have Nots.

For sure, there are technologies and techniques that can be introduced into areas of the world to better the production of food worldwide, and this is a part of the answer, but the majority of the power for change has to come with an adoption of a mindset by the masses which promotes human life over the need to create products designed only to proliferate consumption at the expense of the earth and the poor. Until this conscious shift takes place we will have all the technologies and techniques to make world hunger disappear, but their implementation will not occur.

So the question becomes, how do we get people to adopt a mindset that focuses on others and rewards a devotion to the betterment of humankind? Well, nothing changes overnight and it could be argued that this shift has already begun.

When I was in the fourth grade I learned about overpopulation and world hunger. I also found out about the term philanthropist. At that age, I had an insight that has never left me. I realized that it would take a great number of philanthropists to manifest a hunger-free world. I hold to this assessment to this day.

So, what is the answer to solving world hunger?

Us. We must continue to teach our children the importance of helping the needy, and that the help does not come from our governments but from our individuals and communities. We must teach our children the merits of freedom. We must not let the fears of this world turn us into a society that does not put its hand out.

In order to do that, we must keep strong the values that are inherent in the American spirit and the American Constitution. We must keep liberties, like our right to bear arms, strong because they are the bedrock for standing up against corrupt politicians who choose greed over their citizenry.

We must learn to shun the overconsumption and multiconglomerate proliferation that has plagued us for too long. We must return to buying things from each other, and thus cryptocurrency and the blockchain can aid us tremendously.

We must reject ideas, no matter where they come from, that only serve to divide and separate us. It is true that there are ideologies upon this earth that are incompatible with freedom. These ideologies need to be called out for what they are. We must not yield to political correctness in order to feel better about having open minds, that are not really open--but brainwashed for political agendas.

There are many traps that fear can lead us into. Luckily, there seem to be more more people who are keen to the deceit of our elite class. We must do what we can to keep them from gaining even more power, because they have not been good stewards of what they've been given.

The best way to have a class of elites that are decent stewards is to demand a level of social accountability that is not fake or a part of some hidden agenda. These interactions would be apparent in their value to society. We would see their fruit. We would see people being fed. We would see people being taught how to feed themselves. We would not see a political agenda.

It may seem like we are very far away from manifesting this vision, but in actuality we are not. For it is in the hearts and minds of the people on this earth. All we have to do is refuse to buy products and services from those who will not help their fellow humans drag themselves up out of the dregs of hunger.

I know that what I'm saying is true. For, if I had the money that these elites have, I would be spending most of my time in a devotion to stopping world hunger. My heart is not exceptionally special, granted I do have a kind and caring heart, but there are a lot of others out there just like me. Just a few monied individuals could start a philanthropist movement, and a conflagration of humanitarianism could consume hungers grip on our species.

All it takes is for us to hold our elite class accountable for their wealth. If we refuse to buy their products because they are being greedy, then they will slowly fade into oblivion, and other less nefarious entities will replace them.

It is really up to us and how we choose to consume. We hold the leash of the future in our purses and wallets. Let's make a conscious decision to spend for the betterment of our brothers and sisters.


Great! Thank you so much for taking the time to enter this competition. This has been very enjoyable to read.

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