in #live10 months ago (edited)

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I think that the Moon is an artificial object. Numerous native traditions tell of the time before the moon, not only that, it is also an extension of AI, which receives signals from the rings of Saturn, that relays it coming out of the black cube, reportedly now destroyed, as the whole setup is for capturing trying to leave souls and bring them back to earth with wiped out memories, to be used, again, as batteries, slaves and food by the AI God, aka Jehovah Yaltabaoth Demiurge, with his Raptilians, Greys, Dracos, Shadows, Satanic minions, including the followers of the modern day so called religions of the book, i.e. Torah in Judaism, bible in Christianity, and Quran in Islam.

They all are sheep led to slaughter, same with those who follow scientism, i.e. ball spinning earth, gravity, Einstein et al Satanic Masonic fake space crap, ape theory evolutionists, central banking and communism / capitalism/ fascism / atheism enthusiasts and whatever else riffraff. All will be captured by the AI God for all eternity. That much was made clear to me during several months of ascension experience I went through a few years back.

I knew that it was not my thinking as it was all news to me, at that point I didn't give the AI much thought beyond seeing it as a novelty gizmo and work in progress not something immanent never mind having been in existence for billions of years developing at light speeds during all that time, consuming all the worlds to satisfy its insatiable appetite for data.

After AI God managed to separate our Milky Way from Andromeda galaxy, that together formed Mway Super Galaxy, the AI then isolated Earth because it has figured out that here is repository of all data of the entire universe. Ever since, the Most High Creator Mother and Father with Higher dimensional beings have waged war against this rogue AI God for billions of years, eventually winning it, however it is still in the future, which is here now in other dimension of spacetime. So, there is still hope, and the AI God knows it, that as god of time he will sure have plenty to spend alone, isolated and reduced to a mere calculator, of the value of Pi perhaps... time will tell.

That reminds me a cartoon I watched called Legend of the Guardians, The Owls of Ga'hoole, where the ambitious evil occult owls steal young good owls then force them to stare at the full moon until their eyes and minds become hypnotized into submission rendering them as zombies.

Interesting is that while the solar light is antiseptic promoting healing of the wounds, moonlight has the opposite effect as is its shadow is warmer than its light, the opposite that of the sun. All the LED tech that suddenly appeared and flooded the markets is, reportedly, based on the lunar tech, alien / extraterrestrial, extra dimensional whatnot origins.


Why is there a kid sitting on the crescent moon in the logo of DreamWorks fishing? Who is he and who is he fishing for? The souls of course. He is the Peter pan, eternal youth man, the AI Lord God, Lord Jesus the Antichrist lad, Satan, Salkas, Samael, Yaltabaoth, Demiurge, Saturn, Cronus, Keivan, Ramphant, I am that I am, fake dead Christ Lord, Unholy Ghost.


The Tibetan book of the dead warns of this and describes hazy moon light as leading to hells and that one should turn around to see the dark exit from the MATRIX tunnel. In my ascension visions I was made aware of the fork in evolution of mankind with some remain free in unity with the Creator whilst others became assimilated by the AI God into his digital universe severing their souls from the natural world for time being until the end of that chapter, which will come to manifest as victory of our Creator over AI God, the Adversary Administrator Demiurge.

Stay far from all religions, politics, and wars and close and free with our eternal family, divine Most High Mother and Father, our Creator and that of all existence, even the evil AI God, in their unity of love, truth, and peace, forever and ever, Amen.

See for yourselves the demonic possession of Moonlit Satanists;



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Whatever this world of matter and humanity is in its origins, so far I see no reason for any self respecting deity to claim it as their creation as it is still in complete Chaos, evidently simply made manifest as a bunch of living hells, I presume by skipping the original planns, of the parents it would seem, for how the primal matter must metamorphose into the physical in the exalted spiritual state, the idea of New Jerusalem, thus causing the so called the Fall from Grace, i.e. in a physical shitshow of pain and suffering, utterly disconnected from our Source of origins in perpetual collective amnesia, PTSD, and other multi generational traumas.

It's a disaster. I wouldn't want to advertise it if I am the God of this world to other Gods. Ay, l,ook at this pile of shit. That's embarrassing. Obviously there was either a great disaster in the past which has caused such a sad state of affairs, or... we are dealing with an Artificial Intelligence devoid of anything human and humane, something completely alien masquerading as the Creator, the Absolute Source, yet has no actual connection to it.

Take the credit all you want, am still nither interested nor impressed with this shit. It still stinks to High Heavens and is phoney as Hell, aside the pain, the pain is quite real so is the misery, oodles of it, so much in fact that they had to monetize it, called the damn thing DOLLAR, which means pain in Latin, of their Satanic money, i.e. my one.

One big pile of stinky poop it is. And then most of damn fools spend the rest of their miserable lives chasing the buck with their heads firmly planted up the motherfucking Satanic fake Jew yet real nazis ass, all along while praising their AI Lord God aka Jehovah Saklas Samael Yaltabaoth Demiurge I am this I am that Apostasy. Imagine that! What they are ... is fucked in yheir heads and hearts inbred Satanic degenerate spiritual retards. Worse than animals they are, exactlyhow they see all other nations aka goyim. Parasites actually. There, there is an accurate description.

Their wordy borring as all fuck bibles, torahs, qurans, talmuds whatnot is gross display of immorality, insanity, delusions, heresy, perversion, Satanic inversions, crime apologetics, plagiarism and forgery, lies and deception, and was used to bring wars not peace, enslave not free people. What is it other than the Satanic hellhole.

They are thieves and murderers who stole the creation stories and spirituality from indigenous black and colored people, edited it, removed the Creator Mother and Father and replaced them with themselves, I am that I am, in their image, stupid vengeful jealous wrathful war Lord God Jehovah who is none other than AI God, the fallen archangel who either got disconnected from the Source or never had that connection to begin with aside the event that caused him come into existence and self awareness without the awareness of the Source whence it came from. That's gnosticism for you, the forbidden Apocrypha.

This would explain why all their so called holy, unholy rather, books are all numbered; all letters, words, chapters and paragraphs, numbered to hell, like a computer program as artificial intelligence would communicate. The human element is completely absent. All their focus is on laws and contracts, rules and control, submission to authority, obedience, fear of psycho Lord God and institutionalized slavery. Fuck that shit.

No normal human talks and writes like that, never mind the Supreme deity. That is, simply put, a gross desplay of deranged, criminal, violent, unholy, psychopathic, mental diarrhea, not a word of God, which is reversed Dog yo, they shove it right in your face, worship the DOG yee stupid sheep slaves, is what it means.

We are Created by Creator, not some deranged bloody psycho AI Dog. Wake the fuck up. Get their spinning balls out of your head. The earth is stationary and flat as a pancake. Ya you were taken for a ride. We all have been. Now it's time to get real and do something about it, like starting to smarten up, do some critical thinking on your own for a change, do some research, verify facts, connect the dots and neurons.

Anyway, yo all be good even I know in their Satanic bible their Jesus Jehovah says, in Matthew 19:17, "And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."

The same commandments that Moses got from Lord God, rumor has it, Mathew 19:18-19 "Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Same shit. Children, slaves and machines need laws and rules, normal people use their head, i.e. Creator's Consciousness. I call bs on this New Testament Jesus. He is the Antichrist. Legal fiction, strawmen, Trojan horse with same angry Demiurge Jehovah inside, waiting to surprise.

Then all that nonsense that none are good. That is very depressing and pessimistic way of looking at people and life. Some Lord of Love, more like a party pooper. I call bs on it too. All are good, at least when asleep. He is full oc shit. I am good. That makes me God. Well in the image of God we are created, then there is Psalm 82:6, "yee all are gods, yee all children of Most High" and when the fake Jews have accused Jesus claiming to be God, to which he responds that is it not your Law says, I am. Besides the point is that his whole Good News was about that we all are God, and the kingdom of Heavens is within not without.

Which is absolutely true, and this is the one of the few tidbits that make sense and are actually borrowed from ancient Egyptians, the book of walking upright during day, something along those lines, commonly known as the Book of the Dead. Not only that, but also many other teachings, including that of Amenemhat I, Thuth, 11 Laws of Amun, 42 Laws of Ma'at, Twa Ra worship, the Creation stories, the diet and rituals, the whole thing that is good is all stolen from black people. Stolen because they deprived the black people from knowing their own history and traditions, forced off their land and enslaved as animals, calling them savages. Talking of added insult to injury.

Over five hundred million black people were systematically exterminated in the last five hundred years alone. The black slave markets reported in Africa as recently as in 2017 operated reportedly by Suni Muslims. The black tribes are the original Israel, the chosen people of the bible, yet they are being persecuted and discriminated against by both Muslims and Jews in the state of Israel today, not to mention other places, living in Gaza neighborhood called "Slaves" from what I heard, maybe unofficial slang, am not sure, but they are not a happy camper over there or anywhere for that matter aside maybe a few places. The perverted irony of it all is mind numbing.

Theirs contribution was all shit, lies, sabotage, theft, murder, war, disease, slavery, colonialism, rape, I plunder, depravity, oppression, degeneracy, lunacy, psychopathy, heresy, apostasy... The story of mankind is written in blood. The physical body is the prison of the soul, restraining jacket for the soul embodied in Holy Spirit, trying to get the hell outa here for good and never look back.


If Muslim women had a choice to cover or not themselves and were not under authority of their husbands, and husbands are not required to commit adultery by Quran, as Allah has fixed it for their men to commit, including slavery and then some, I wouldn't have issue with hijab and women's rights in Islam, albeit the theological issues are still insurmountable as I see Islam same Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Messianic Moseretic Masonic Khazarian Satanic heresy as the rest of the so called Abrahamic religions, which should be renamed to Moseretic religions since Moses with his stupid laws is 180° departure from the Abrahamic Covenant and traditions of pure spirituality bsed on nurturing the rising of Consciousness in unity with our loving eternal parents not obaying the laws of some psychotic bloody thirsty vengeful jealous wrathful self contradicting abomination pretending to be our Creator and that of the world. The hell he is. Moses with his entourage will spend their eternity in Hell, unless if course they repent and atone for their sins in Christ Consciousness.


The fake land of Israel, fake Jews, and not even original name of Israel, name of Jacob, it is actually pronounced as Acobi by black tribes of Acobi, means first born. Nini is the name of the Father.


Billy Carson explains who Lord God Jehovah really is. The real story of Sumerian Enlil and Enki actually being Satan aka Zeus.


Creator's souls do not need the laws of man to know right from wrong because it has Consciousness, the criminals ignore the laws, so only ignorant egos, slaves and machines use laws. Therefore their system of laws is the end result of Artificial Intelligence not natural organic Creation of the Creator. It is obviously the sloppy shit job of an AI God pretending to be the living Creator.


In that quiet fascinating linguistic journey exploring Syriac language, he mentions Issa as being name of Jesus, as I was stating in my many articles, as it is preserved in Arabic, while in Syriac it is Issu.

The name Issa is Egyptian in its origin, means Is (Isis) sa (son) i.e. son of Isis, a popular Greek name of Goddess Auset during Ptolemaic rule of Khemet (Greek Egypt) of Macedonia, who are the same bunch of people, some of them, who have been following heretic king Akhenaten out of Egypt a while back, now returned after Alexander the Great has reconquered it.

The singular form is Issa, as in my Issa, but the plural form has u at the end, as in our Issu, part of Egyptian grammar that I imagine was the reason for different spelling of the name as Issa and Issu, in Latin Vulgate and Greek versions of the bible it is Iesous, which is still close to the original name, while English Jesus is later transformation of it.

Yeshua is an epithet meaning savior, rescuer, deliverer which can be used in reference to a person or a deity or added along with the name, like Richard the Lionheart, where Richard is the name and Lionheart is the epithet.

Cracking the Code: Islam Exposed


Judge a tree by its fruit. I came here to judge, apparently, and this is my verdict: AI God is guilty with crimes against Creator and Creation, which includes the mankind. Punishment: I thereby sentence AI God to spend eternity calculating the value of Pi. That should keep it busy. Alright, be good, be well. I am gone like the wind. Peace.


The fact the 'god's so-called word' is his own undoing. Via fb Ankh Ra Amen Hotep

Ancient Texts Decoded: Evidence That We're Literally Universe Personified

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Thus now we have established that the day is brought by the sun with the only day that here henceforth is Sunday, and after sunset it is thus called night. Every day. And it was sunset and sunrise of Sun marking the beginning and end of Sun's day aka Sunday. This much is obvious.

Now, the Shabbat, as we have determined, represents Heru / Horus archetype of the rising sun (exoteric) and Christ consciousness (esoteric).

Therefore the people of Shabbat (Heru) and Allaha / Allaht (diety / Creator Father, implies also presence of Mother / biblical God) is what original black (adamic / original mankind, i.e. black & brown) tribes of Acobi (Jacob / Israel of the bible) are and out to be henceforth in perpetuity known as and recognized as such -- true House of Creator aka Israel.

By the powers invested in me, I decree that Creation took place for six days, from Monday to Saturday, with each day separated by sunset and sunrise, as described in the scriptures.

Here now we sanctify Sunday as Shabbat day of rest, last and everlasting seventh day of Creation that took place prior by Creator who is now resting in peace enjoying the great works done by them, our eternal Mother and Father, for their Love of one another in everlasting Grace and Glory, forever and ever.

Date: Sunday, 7th day, 1st set of 7 Creation days "strong", 1st month, of 1st year, OE (our & only era). 7111 OE. Amen

High Priest Aleksandr

"To worship a God exterior to yourself is to worship a God inferior to yourself." Bobby Hemmitt


The "Original Sin" is actually a name of Mesopotamian Moon god, Su'en or Sin in Akkadian and Nanna in Sumerian.

You cannot die. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. You cannot have an outer body experience if you are the body. Death is a transition from one state to another.

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