My grandfather was a blacksmith and then gave people the opportunity to have a water source at home, many remember him and appreciate

in #live7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit, I want to talk about my outstanding grandfather, he was a real strong Porn and very good Man, a man with a capital letter. He is still remembered for the good that he has done to many people, helping them to make a source of water - right at home - a glass of water.


Today I have a desire to talk about my own grandfather, in my honor I was called Andrew. Grandpa was a very interesting person. He was born in the most significant year in the history of mankind - 1914. This year the world has changed, as one thinker put it, and has never looked like himself before the First World War. It is difficult to disagree with this.
Yes, my grandfather Andrey was born in 1914 in one of the villages, not far from the Odessa railway. He worked all his life as a blacksmith in one of the depots and knew how to handle iron with his own hands. Basically, he did in the forge details for the repair of trains and everything that is connected with this. Of course, like every master, he did all sorts of household products for the family, I will not even enumerate this, I'll say this: from an ordinary poker to a wonderful sleigh. What my grandfather did not know at his forge, many neighbors still use his products.

Born in a very difficult time, having several siblings, and living very hard, he did not give up. He with his hard work and incredible efforts could take care of his family. To illustrate how poor it was in their villages, I would say that several of the brothers had one pair of shoes. My grandfather somehow told about himself such a story: in their village was becoming, which for the winter turned into a chic ice arena. He, seeing how other children skate (in their case it was skates that were worn on shoes and tied with laces) could not resist and foolishly tied his skates directly to bare feet, ran out to the skating rink and skated for more than an hour with all the local " Skaters ". He was then no more than 12 years old, he for a long time remembered his skating having had a bad cold and bronchitis.

He had a special sense of humor, but he never sarcasted and did not put people in awkward situations. His jokes did not offend anyone. He was a very strong and downed fellow, and then a man of short stature, but a very strong and skilful athlete. In the village, he was cautious of all men knowing that the smith Andrey is an uneasy nut. No one got involved with him in arguments and fights. In the autobiographical story about my grandmother Vera - his wife, I described the case when my grandfather, as a young man at the dance in their village, punished a very hamovy and impudent guy from a neighboring village who, both in height and weight, was much more than my grandfather.

I remember my grandfather and his love for me. I was one grandson, all the other granddaughters - there were 5 of them all at grandfather's and grandmother's. Naturally, being a man of the old school, my grandfather did not like to shower and put his hopes on me as an assistant. Looking at me, he often told me that I: "Cossack grandfather." Being very kind and industrious, my grandfather, after he retired decided that in our developing town we need more wells. He forged and made himself a tool for drilling wells and a form for rings of concrete. This installation involved the joint efforts of 12-15 strong men and in a day it was possible to drill and install rings and make a well. My grandfather took for this work in fact a symbolic fee. In total, he made more than 100 wells in the city and villages. Then this skill passed to my father, his son-in-law. I did not accept this family tradition, but after returning from the army, 6-7 years ago I made rings for wells.

I myself studied at the university and received a specialty of an engineer, since childhood respected people of simple occupations, the labor of which is connected with great physical efforts. Nowadays many of these kinds of work are automated and today this process does not stand still. My grandfather was a hard worker and a very kind person, he did a lot to people of good. In our region people who made wells and gave people the opportunity to have their own water source at home were very respected, especially for those who were not just a lucrative business. My grandfather was just like that, his work and service cost less than that of other masters, and many people wanted to have their own well. But I know for sure that this was not a successful marketing move, it was just the kindness of my beloved grandfather Andryusha's kindness. He was so lovingly called by many people.

My father makes a well at the installation of my grandfather

Born in 1914, in a very difficult time, having lived a difficult life, having raised and raised with his wife two daughters: one receptionist and my grandfather gave us the opportunity to live with us, I love him and appreciate him very much.

He helped me in my formation, having a heightened sense of justice he was very principled. I remember such an episode from the life of my earliest period. Once I returned home from the street and brought an old leather sword belt. I was then 5-6 years old, from where I took it and I do not remember at all. My grandfather never beat me, he took me aside, so that this conversation was between us and talked to me like a man. I still remember his words, that someone else can never be taken that it is very bad, son. I carried this old sword belt, and of course I was very upset. But this grandfather remembered his lesson for life. And when I was working at the plant, I was one of the few who could not stand the product produced at the plant through a checkpoint or a fence, I was like a white crow, a man from Mars or even from somewhere far away, I am grateful to my grandfather and parents that I was raised in Such a spirit. Grandfather Andrey, for me, has always been and remains an example in the manifestation of many qualities and attitudes towards other people.

Good luck to all friends @anri-avgustino


I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

It's great that you wrote a good story on your grandfather.

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