in #liturgy7 years ago

Fellow Catholics, for a rich prayer life, I enjoin you to pray the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours). Summary as follows:

  1. Invitatory: Start with the Invitatory. This is the opening prayer and Psalm with its antiphon for the first hour of the day you pray usually immediately after 12 am. It is normally said before the Office of Readings.
  2. Office of Reading: It normally said after the Invitatory at night or before dawn. However, the office of reading may be said anytime.

  3. Lauds: This is the morning prayer said at dawn or just before the start of your working day.
  4. Terce: Mid-morning prayer between 9-11am (the third hour after dawn)
  5. Sext: Said at noon (the sixth hour after dawn)
  6. Note: Said in mid-afternoon, example 3-5pm (ninth hour after dawn)
  7. Vespers: Evening prayer. Said at switching on of the lights at the end of the working day
  8. Compline: Night prayer. Said just before bed.
    Note that Prime (the first hour of daylight approximately 6 am between Lauds and Terce) and Office of Matins divided into watches of the night (9 pm, midnight and 3 am) are all suppressed. See Psalm 63:6 Happy prayer life in Jesus mighty name Amen

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