The Legend of the First Gecko (Original translation of Filipino fiction)

                          the First Gecko

Once upon a time in a remote village, there was a young boy named Kiko who is full of mischief and always intrudes in everything the townspeople attend to. Many citizens are angry with him that is why Kiko is often scolded and get spanked by his father and mother.

However, the child became more stubborn and harshly naughty. He also has no respect for the elders. Consequently, no other kids want to be friends with him. Because of this, he just plays with and makes use of the animals as his pastime.

The domesticated animals became shy and elusive because Kiko is beating them. Eventually, even the crops planted by other villagers were also secretly destroyed by Kiko.

One day while his mother was sweeping in their backyard, Kiko approached a mound or hillock and hastily destroyed it.

His mother was so furious at him because he wrecked and leveled the mound... She pleaded and ask for forgiveness from the dwarf elves, which the elders says are living in anthills. This belief has been passed down to generations so she is nervous about his son's fate.

"My sire, please forgive my son. I will make sure that he will never repeat this again. I will advise him to be kind. I promise."

The concerned mother lectured and taught his son Kiko never to repeat disrespecting the mound because the dwarf elves are ruthless when they get angry.

But unfortunately the next day after lashing a buffalo, the young stubborn also caught his attention on a lizard.

He followed it but suddenly disappeared when it went to the sticking out roots of a tree. While holding a slingshot, Kiko ransacked the surroundings of the tree and its roots.

He was filled with excitement when he found lots of lizard eggs and decided to sling stones amongst the eggs. The boy suddenly got startled when a dwarf appeared in front of him.

"Hey! You savage child. Why are you breaking the eggs? Don't you know that there is life inside them? Because of your wicked actions, I will have to punish you, I will make you of the same kind with the lizards. "

The frightened child hurriedly runs off while shouting...

"Mother! I don't want to turn into a "Butiki" help me!"

His mother looks out the window and saw how her son fell before he can climb the stairs. She wondered because of her son's transformation and become a little animal like a lizard. 

Since "Butiki" was the last word she heard from his son, she then also called the animal "Butiki" (Gecko in English). Though the animal is gentle, it is elusive because of shyness.

The Gecko keeps on kissing the soil every dusk. Only time will judge and tell if Kiko will still return to his human form. But for the dwarf elves, it is better for him to stay a gecko for the time being.

This story was translated into English from our local Filipino language.   

Image Source: [1] [2]

Tagalog Folklore Reference: [1]

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