Short Story: "Fumes of Bacchus and The (Un)Real World"

in #literature7 years ago

"Fumes of Bacchus and The (Un)Real World"

"A glass of wine and its vapors to celebrate the vision of an unreal world within the real one, the invisible within the visible, the dream within the reality. Sweet Latin vapors lift me up, I smile amidst a fake and fleeting joy, as fugacious as the light of a match. I embark on intoxicating reveries of contentment, forgetting for a moment the reality painted daily in my awakenings for other occasions of life. I keep dreaming to be able to distinguish the real from the imaginary world. A toast."

Original text in Portuguese:

"Uma taça de vinho e seus vapores para celebrar a visão de um mundo irreal dentro do real, do invisível dentro do visível, do sonho dentro da realidade. Vapores adocicados latinos elevam-me, sorrio em meio a uma alegria falsa e fugidia, tão efêmera quanto o acender de um fósforo. Embarco nos devaneios inebriantes do contentamento, esquecendo-me, por um momento, da realidade pintada de cotidiano em meus despertares para outras ocasiões da vida. Sigo sonhando para conseguir distingur o real do imaginário. Um brinde."


Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post!
Short Story Author: @manandezo


"Fumes of Bacchus and The (Un)Real World"
Sometimes I can see both without the vapors. It's a crazy world these day.
"I keep dreaming to be able to distinguish the real from the imaginary world. A toast."
A toast back at you, steemian buddy.

Very crazy world these days but I still keep dreaming (or having faith..., is it the same? Never mind). Thank you @pitterpatter! My toast now is with a huge cup of coffee saluting a beautiful morning here! Saúde, amigo! (As we say here!)

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