Panther Vs Captain

in #literature7 years ago

Ok, Ok, everyone has been asking this same question since Captain America Civil War came out, and there has been quite a bit of speculation on who would come out victorious in a battle between these two awesome characters.


America's one and only Steve Rogers against Wakanda's own T'Challa.

Let's start with Captain America (aka Steve Rogers) seeing as he is the oldest out of both of them by a long shot.
Steve was always an extraordinary human being even before he was injected with the Super Soldier Serum(SSS). The reason I say this is because Steve was always a very kind person who stood up for others, even when the odds numbered him 10-1. He was never a person who liked or indulged in violence or anything of the sort as stated by Steve Rogers in the 2011 Captain America The First Avenger "I don't want to kill anyone! I don't like bullies". There are not many people in the world like Steve Rogers and after getting injected with the SSS all of his attributes and abilities were heightened to the max. Anyway let's get right into it.
Physical Strength: Captain America in The Winter Soldier was able to curl a helicopter back to the landing with great difficulty of course but still....a helicopter!!! This helicopter in question is believed to be an Airbus AS350 , with 3,000 pounds of lifting capacity. That would mean that Steve would have to exceed that in order to keep the helicopter stationary. If this is true then Steve would be able to kill people with a single punch.
Speed and Endurance: Thanks to the SSS, Steve is able to run at amazing speeds reaching 73 mph(117,8 kmp) at his fastest, that is wickedly fast for a human or for any living creature on earth for that matter. Another cool thing about Steve is that he is immune to fatigue due to the effects of the SSS. The serum helps his body destroy fatigue-inducing toxins that are prevalent in all humans which allows Cap to keep on going and going while his enemies eventually tire out. In addition to this Steve only needs 1-2 hours of sleep a "week". which gives him a lot more time to focus on his training.
Intellect: Steve's body wasn't the only thing that was enhanced when he became a Super Soldier, every part of his brain was upscaled as well, able to complete lighting fast calculations and make life-saving decisions in a fraction of a second. On top of all this, Captain America also has a perfect memory, which is great for military tactics such as speaking multiple languages, espionage skills, and enhanced reasoning. Which is why he’s considered one of the greatest battle tacticians on the planet. Steve can work faster than a computer to change an outcome immediately and end up with the upper hand. Basically he can see ten steps ahead of you both metaphorically and literally.
Hand to hand combat: With only needing 1-2 hours of sleep a week the Captain has a whole 166 hours of extra training time in which to get his skills to a higher level all the time. Steve is skilled in acrobatics, martial arts, marine combat, boxing, judo, jiujitsu, muay thai, and just about everything else.
Other Skills or Abilities: Captain America also has a whole lot more other skills and abilities that I have not mentioned such as bulletproof and fire-resistant armour, a healing factor which may mot be a fast as Deadpool's or Wolverine;s but it still allowed him to come back from a broken neck one week later perfectly brand new. He also is immune to all kinds of poisons and toxins, he can't get drunk, he is worthy enough to lift Mjolnir. He is resistant to hypnosis, he has enhanced sight and he has suspended aging.
All of these abilities and feats make up the one and only Captain America.


Next is the King of Wakanda T'Challa.
T'Challa(aka the Black Panther) is the King of a very technology advanced Kingdom, where he rules with the power given to him by the Panther Goddess, but even without the amazing power T'Challa is still a human being to be reckoned with. Shall we begin?
Physical strength: Even though he is just a human being he has being trained to the max since he was a child by his father(the previous Black Panther), and according to ost Marvel websites T'Challa is able to lift 800 pounds (362,88 kg), that is pretty strong for a human. Other sources say that once, he was even seen physically stopping a stampede of elephants.
Speed and Endurance: The Black Panther is no slow character, enfact they show that he can run at his fastest up to 68 mph (109,4 kmp), that's also damn fast. His bones and muscles are all much stronger than the average human, meaning that he can stretch himself further and take more hits in the process. This comes in handy when he finds himself in a fist fight without his suit. T’Challa’s stamina is unlike any other human on Earth. He can run for great periods of time, fight for hours on end, and track an opponent at maximum speed for days. Even his lungs have increased stamina, allowing him to hold his breath for six full minutes before having to resurface.
Intellect: Coming in at the number eight spot in a Marvel Universe intelligence ranking was none other than the Black Panther himself, that is pretty impressive taking into account how many Marvel characters there are and who all those characters are. Black Panther is readily equipped with a photographic memory that helped him to excel while studying physics and advanced levels of math. He was smart enough in these fields to create an entirely new branch of science known as Shadow Physics, which directly relates to how vibranium works. It allowed him to not only track the powerful metal, but learn how to destroy it.
Hand to Hand combat: T'Challa is a brilliant fighter and a pretty scary guy when it comes to an all out battle. He is an accomplished gymnast and acrobat, T'Challa is also an expert tracker. In addition, he has mastered various African martial arts. In his youth he was trained and groomed to be a warrior. Every day he would learn new techniques and fighting styles that would help him to defend himself from enemy attackers. Decades of training have allowed him to master all fighting styles on the planet.
Other Skills and Abilities: T'Challa also has a whole range of other skills that are hidden up his sleeve which include him being a Multilingual allowing him to speak a whole 7 languages. Another is he is a brilliant inventor, look at the Black Panther suit for proof of this. He is also a master of all weapons whether it be a gun, knife, sword or claws. He is also able to sense the Multi-verse, something not many other Marvel characters can do. He also has amazing senses crazy reflexes able to dodge bullets and he too has a healing factor, not as fast as Steve Rogers but fast enough. Like the "Last Airbender", T'Challa is also able to go back to all of the past kings and queens of Wakanda(all former Black Panthers) for help and guidance. Last of all he has the power of Necromancy, in Fantastic Four edition #607-608, T'Challa received the ability to call on the dead to do his bidding.


There you have it, all the specs on both of these great heroes. Now which one is the better?

Physical strength: Steve Rogers takes the cake here guys. All of his feats to do with strength out match T'Challa by far.
Speed and Endurance: Captain Rogers wins here again with being faster than T'Challa. Even though T'Challa can carry on fighting for hours on end, Steve can carry on fighting for days on end which kinda puts T'Challa at a disadvantage.
Intellect: Both of them have perfect memory and photographic minds and they both are pretty smart people but only one person can come out on top and according to all of this information I would have to go with Captain America again due to the SSS that he has inside his system, and even if T'Challa was smarter Steve has 166 hours a week to study and read and do everything to put on the top.
Hand to Hand combat: I would have to say that it is a draw on this one, because of Captain America's endurance level allowing him to carry on forever and T'Challa's training in martial arts, they would be fighting for hours maybe even days (if T'Challa has the will power to do so) without a victor. So this one is a draw for me.
Other Abilities and Skills: This one goes to T'Challa because of all the crazy things he can do, I mean "necromancy" doesn't get more crazy than that.

So all in all it was a good battle, but unfortunately only one can come out on top and that is Captain America(aka Steve Rogers) with a crushing victory of 3 wins to 1 lose.

I am sorry for those Black Panther fans out there, I am one of them, but Captain America wins this battle.

Thank you so much for your patience in reading all of this
Here are potatoes for you troubles.


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