Why I Have Reduced My Crypto Articles This Year

in #litecoin6 years ago

As you have probably noticed, I have reduced the number of articles that I have written this year on crypto currencies. There is no question in my mind that the global financial system will transition to crypto currencies and the block chain. In the beginning I was hoping that there would perhaps be two types of crypto currency block chains. One by and for the people and one controlled by the establishment. I knew it would be wishful thinking to think that crypto currencies would be free from the globalist control and influence. I did, however, think that some of the more popular crypto currency block chains would remain anonymous for the people and run by the people.

It seems to me that that will not be the case. It looks like all major top tier 1 crypto currencies will be controlled in one way or another by the current powers to be. There will be some few obscure coins that will be free from their influence but such coins will never gain main stream traction. Not to be negative but this is what the evidence is indicating.

Digital currencies and block chain fits the future plans of the controllers. Artificial Intelligence, robotics and universal income will be the wave of the future. As time passes, mankind will have close to zero individual sovereignty and a controlled one world entity will be the monopoly. In the recent Greg Hunter interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, she states an important fact. The push for gender neutrality is necessary for the State to tax robot workers. She mentioned how expensive it would be to tax robot workers under the current male/female gender tax laws. In order to tax the future robotic workforce, there must be a non male female/male tax code that can be applied to non humans. I encourage you to watch the interview.

The recent Litecoin conference in San Francisco tells the story. In the last 15 minutes of the conference a woman appeared representing the United Nations. Her and other panels statements, tells the story. Litecoin is now part of the global one world agenda. The LTC foundation is in bed with the very ones I was hoping crypto currencies would free us from their influence. Take it as you would like but try and explain this one away (all the you tubers who are pro Litecoin). I was heavy in LTC and loved where it was headed. Not so much anymore. (Ripple).

There is no need for LTC supporters to reply to this article. I already know all of the arguments and back peddling on this issue. LTC will prosper and grow with the support of the globalists. I will not sell my LTC but I will no longer be purchasing anymore. My focus is not on this current matrix anyway. My goal is being on the other side of the great reset that is coming.

image from: bitcoinexchangeguide.com


I have to agree, most coins are far too centralised, hopefully not all will follow this path

i read your all articles it is very helpfull for everyone,

Thank you for the reply. I am very depressed about how this is going

Deep and sadly provably true!

Thank you for your reply. I am not happy at all how this is turning out


Perhaps it is because we only have the lifespan of one human that we fail to see the bigger picture because the generations that take over from us start on a clean slate every time. Knowledge is destroyed and hope is reinstated in a fresh and untaught mind. Hope always makes us wish for the best but reality pulls us back to where we need to be.

Our biggest mistake is focusing on on these secondhand problems, like the fiat currency system, war, poverty, global worming, flat or globe earth, etc. We always seem to look past the primary cause of why these problems exist. The answer is simple, right in front of our eyes and yet it is almost impossible to see (or at least thats how it looks to me).

If you control the mind of the masses you control the world and to create reality you don't need to change the physical, you only need to control what the mind perceives.

You of all most know this better than anyone. You know things we can only dream to learn in this life.

Thanks for this post @jetblake. It is always important that we stay true in our cause even if it hearts our reputation or goes against something we have hoped so desperately for. I respect you for your honesty

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