Tempest Brewing seems to be... brewing up a storm as of late! It's sneaking up as a frontrunner, other brewskies better watch out! As it stands, I just had a fruity brew myself! What are the odds!? No, seriously. Go to you computer machine and calculate the odds post haste!
It's made out of lychee, so I guess we have (had?) a veritable fruit salad had I synced up 11 days ago. Had 90% head when I first poured it, but unfortunately I would give it... hmm.. what was your first score? 9? And the second one? 7? Right. I'll give the lychee beer a 2. Blech.
Oh man oh man! It looks awful! Yeek, I feel your pain bro-mage frais!!
Tempest is quite simply my favourite very just now, they absolutely rawk!!
They better call the firemen because Tempest is on fayah!