Basic Facts About The Lion - Characteristics, Habitat, & Scientific Classification

in #lion7 years ago (edited)


The Lion

The lion is a family of cats. In addition to taking turns babysitting & babysitting, the lioness usually hunts with the group to feed the entire group

Running Speed

80 km / h (maximum, within close range).

Mating Season

At mating season, once the population time is 20 seconds, a day can be married 50 times.

When pregnant 98-120 days and pregnant females will leave the group for a while. Once given birth will give birth to 1-6 tails. The feeding time is 7-10 months. For 1 week, baby lion can not see. After 3 weeks can walk. The female giving birth will not return to the group before her child is 6-8 weeks old.

Lion's son

His son was able to eat meat after the age of 3 months and often died of being killed by males from other groups or not treated by the lioness because of the low availability of food. Their child who lives up to 1 year is only 40%, up to 2 years is 20%, when it becomes an adult the percentage of death decreases.

Male lion age 3-4 years can be said to be an adult and a 3-year-old female has become an adult.



The lions consume a variety of prey, ranging from wildebeest, impala, zebra, giraffe, buffalo and wild pig to occasionally rhinoceros and hippos. They will also eat smaller animals such as rabbits, birds and reptiles. They are also known to attack elephants when rare food is found.


In Africa live in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Central African Republic, Southern Sudan and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa. They roam the area of ​​100 square miles (259 square kilometers), according to National Geographic. This area consists of shrubs, meadows or open woods.

In Asia is also found in Gir Forest National Park in India. This park is a wildlife reserve on the ground 1,412 km ². Soils include deciduous forests, grasslands, scrub and rocky hills.

Size And Characteristics

African lions are 1.4 to 2 meters long from head to buttocks and their tail is 67 to 100 cm long. They usually weigh 120-1191 kg.

Asian lions tend to be much larger, according to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF). It weighs 120 - 226 kg and the length is 200 - 280 cm. Their tail is 60 - 90 cm in length.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammals

Order: Carnivores

Family: Felidae

Genus: Panthera

Spesies: P. leo


Other Reading

*.10 Interesting Facts About The Lion

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Reading sources: Defenders, Live Science, Macro Evolution


It was an interesting post

Thank you brother

Beautiful writeup!Thanks for sharing.

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