The Rising Lion King at World's End

in #lion4 years ago

I never said Biden would not have an inauguration on the 20th of January of 2021. I dare you to prove me wrong. Look through everything I've written.

I bet people money Trump wins.

Keep in mind what will happen if Trump does not win.

Now, many things are happening right now, a lot of moving parts. My bet is on Trump winning because Trump already won. Now, to be clear, I'm not sure if I could bring you up to speed on everything that's happening.

You'd have to watch today's Situation Update by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger at Brighteon and Natural News.

Mike Adams
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There are so many things you need to understand before you can get what is happening, both the good and the bad. There are many different analogies which could be used to help you understand how anything is possible as of right now, both good and bad things on both extremes, we're living in history right now, I can't stress this enough, but I won't bore you with illustrations right now. You know I can write for days and I actually do write all day everyday. I want you to see the good and the bad right now. But I'm not going to spend too much time right now talking about what Mike talked about today.

You can listen to what Mike talked about for yourself if you want.


Long story short, I want you to know that Biden may be inaugurated on Wednesday, the 20th of January of 2021. Now, hold onto your popcorn, and I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but what do you think about FEMA? What in the world is FEMA? Well, if you don't know what FEMA is, both the good and the bad aspects of FEMA, then that's too bad. It's too bad you don't know what is happening. More over, do you remember Trump signing an executive order in 2018 and do you remember what it said? Well, long story short, something was signed. But that was not the only thing that was signed over the years. Now, I'm not saying what will happen except there is an attempt right now to restore America from globalists. There are many moving parts and anything is possible. Like I said many times, Trump won because Trump got more votes. It's easy to count.

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The Rising Lion King at World's End
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-14 - Thursday | Published in January of 2021
Can't Censor Truth - Banned Forbidden News

Lion King - Rising Dragon - download.jpeg

Emerging Wolf Beyond The World of Lies

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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But I've also said Biden will be inaugurated. There will be a peaceful transition from the first Trump administration to the fake Biden administration.

However, you need to keep your eyes on the horizon. That is what a letter written to the military said. You can pray for the military and for Congress to follow the constitution. You can reach out to them and plead they follow the constitution. That's crucial.

Keep in mind, things can go sideways. Things can go wrong because there are so many moving parts. Imagine herding thousands of chickens to use an analogy. But like I said, I'm not going to bore you with too many analogies right now. Better yet, I'm not going to explain everything that is happening right now. But I want you to be aware of the moving parts.

Some things may be happening before or after Biden is seated this coming Wednesday. My bet with people is regarding Trump and not regarding Biden. So, do you think Biden will be inaugurated? He probably will be. The more important question is will military arrest Biden after he is inaugurated? What do you think? That may happen. But like I said, anything can happen, good and bad. Pray that God intervenes.

If you care about the future of humanity, you can pray and you can reach out to everyone you know and plead with them. That's the least you can do if you care.