LINUXOPOLIS # 2019-10-08steemCreated with Sketch.

in #linux5 years ago (edited)


Building a Linux habitat
Published with SteemPeak
home ~ previous

ScreenshotScreenshot by Willi Glenz

university of waterloo - python from scratch ...........
git ........................................................................... update 2019-10-10
vim ........................................................................... update 2019-09-24
fish .......................................................................... update 2019-09-23
pycharm tmux python systemrescuecd snippets screen neofetch ranger hardening sources ....... 2019
debian html taskwarrior snap java glances check tutorials bash arch network apache dns ..... 2019
firefox disk onliner ramdisk ufw host packages snap users swap ide raspi logging inxi ...... 2019
docker ..................................................................................... 2019
debian bash ~ fish tmux ranger vim ~ python pycharm
Aapache arch
alias anaconda-navigator apt atop awk
alias a='vim ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bashrc'
alias as='clear; echo; sudo arp-scan --localnet; echo'
alias b='backintime-qt4 1> /dev/null &'
alias ba='clear; curl'
alias bc='clear; curl'
cal cat cd chkrootkit chmod chown cp curl
alias c='clear; ncal -3'
alias cl='clear; neofetch; cowsay -W 131 -f moose $(cat ~/bin/oneliner.txt shuf -n1); echo'
alias cn='check network :pipe: vim -'
Ddebian disk dns docker
date dd dmesg
alias df='clear; echo; df -hT --exclude=squashfs; echo; df -i --exclude=squashfs'
Eecho etcher exit expr
alias exip='clear; echo; inxi --ip'
Ffirefox fish
fdisk fg file find fzf
alias ff='~/Apps/firefox 2> /dev/null &'
alias fw='clear; sudo ufw status verbose'
Ggit glances
gnome-disks gnome-terminal grep groups
alias g='glances'
alias ge='\cd /etc; ranger'
alias gh='cd ; clear; echo; lsd -l; echo'
Hhardening host html
head hostname htop
alias h='clear; echo; history 30; echo'
Iide inxi
alias i='clear; echo; inxi -v7'
jobs journalctl
alias j='clear; echo; jobs -l'
last less ln logcheck login ls lsblk lshw
alias l='clear; echo; lsd -l; echo'
Mmkdir mount mv
alias m='mpg123 -zvC ~/Music/*'
Nneofetch network
ncal ncdu nmap ntopng
alias n='sntop'
nd='clear; sudo ncdu -x /'
Ppackages pycharm python
pwgen ping popd ps pushd pwd
alias p='clear; echo; python3'
alias pc='clear; pycharm 2>/dev/null &'
Rramdisk ranger raspi
r rev rkhunter rm rmdir rsync
alias rs='rsync -avzP --delete --stats --exclude-from "/path/to/.exclude.txt" /path/to/source/ /path/to/sink/'
Sscreen snap sources swap snippets systemrescuecd
shellcheck sntop sort speedtest stat sudo
alias s='systemctl status'
alias st='clear; curl'
alias snt='sntop'
Ttaskwarrior tmux tutorials
tail tar tasksel terminator tmux top touch
alias t='clear; task; timew week; timew summary'
alias th='/usr/local/bin/thonny 2>&1 /dev/null &'
Uufw users
unattended-updates umount unalias uniq
alias u='clear; sudo apt update && sudo apt list --upgradable :pipe: ls -N'
alias uu='apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade; apt autoremove -yy'
veracrypt vnstat
alias v='veracrypt /dev/sdb &'
alias vs='clear; echo; vnstat -i enp1s0f2; echo'
Wwall wc which wireshark
alias w='clear; curl'
Yalias y='sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade youtube-dl'
node #0     : 5.2.0-2-amd64 x86_64 ......... Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid ......... Gnome 3.30.2
node #1     : 4.19.58-v7+ armv7l ........... Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) ....... Console tty 0

host        $ alias glances history rsync update upgrade .................... a g h rs u uu alias
services    : apache2 ssh logrotate ..................................................... s alias
apps        $ firefox brave pycharm thonny .................................... ff br pc th alias
disk        # ncdu -x /; ................... ls df du ............................... df nd alias
users       $ last | vim -; groups .............................................................. 
network     $ arp-scan check inxi ufw sntop ............................. as cn exip fw snt alias
traffic     $ vnstat -i enp1s0f2; .......................................... check traffic script
speed       $ speedtest ...................................................... check speed script
check I     $ weather bat bitcoin steem ........................................ w ba bc st alias
check II    : host network ~ hardware kernel cpu disc traffic speed ~ help ............... script

edit I      $ vim $(fzf --height 40%)
edit II     $ vim $(fzf -e --preview 'head -100 {}') 
environment $ printenv | awk '/^PATH|HOME|USER|SHELL/ {print $0}'
files       # find ~/Documents -type f -name "*.py" -print | tee ~/python_files.txt
memory      # memtester 7G
memory      # watch free -h
size        # find / -size +4G 2> /dev/null | vim -
system      # systemctl status|restart|start|stop|enable|disable 
uefi        # efibootmgr
uefi        # ls /sys/firmware/efi

$ printenv | awk '/^PATH|HOME|USER|SHELL/ {print $0}'

jupyterlab  homepage        :
            installation    # pip3 install jupyterlab
            server          $ jupyter lab
            documentation   : 

anaconda    homepage        :
            download        :
            documentation   :

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