Why Linux Mint is the Best OS

in #linux6 years ago

ทำไม Linux Mint เป็น OS ที่ดีที่สุด

In 2007, I decided to never use anything from Microsoft ever again, a lifetime boycott. I tried to explain to my wife what a big deal it was switching to open source Linux, but she couldn't care less. As long as Youtube worked she was a happy camper. That was 11 years ago and since that time, I have never been hacked or been infected with a virus of any kind. Good riddance Microsoft! (I'm not writing to go on an anti Microsoft rant, but giving you some reasons to try Linux Mint) ผมใช้ Linux ตั้งแต่ปี 2007 และไม่เคยโดนแฮ็คและไม่เคยมี virus


Linux Mint is open source software which means it's free and you can do whatever you want with it. It is unbelievable to me that Windows is on 46% of computers worldwide when you can install Linux Mint for FREE!

Dual Boot
ใช้ Linux และ Windows พร้อมกันได้

When you install Linux Mint it can partition your hard drive to have two operating systems. When you boot up it will ask if you want to boot in Windows or Linux Mint. This let's you try Linux Mint while keeping your old system the way it was. If you encounter a major problem like a virus or Windows wont start, you'll still be able to boot up in Linux Mint.


Being open source means that the codes of Linux Mint can be read by anyone. There are many distros in Linux which makes writing a virus for them much more difficult. Only 3% of computers are using Linux, so this makes it less attractive to hackers. มีแต่ 3% คอมพิวเตอร์โลกใช้ Linux ก็เลยแฮ็กเกอร์ไม่สนใจแฮ็ก Linux

Easy to Use

There are too many distros of Linux to mention, but Linux Mint is by far the easiest to use. YouTube, downloaded movies, and music files will all play right after the installation without having to install drivers or codecs.

Beautiful Design
เหมือน Windows XP

The operating system that we are most accustomed to using his Windows XP and Linux Mint is the only the operating system today which still follows that format.

Persistent Live USB
ใช่ USB ย่างเดียวก็ได้

It's great to be able to plug in a USB at work and use only the CPU and RAM of that computer and everything you do is saved to the USB. When you unplug the USB and reboot the computer it goes back to Windows like nothing ever happened. You may not know the admin password but if you use a Linux live USB you can get into any of the file systems in the computer bypassing security because you are running a completely different operating system. Linux Live USB Creator

Support of Touchscreen

If you install Linux Mint onto a PC with touchscreen or a tablet like PC it will work from the start without having to install any drivers.

พวกสายลับอเมริกาทำให้ Windows ช้าแต่ Linux ใช้ได้เร็ว

It takes several minutes for Windows to boot up or down, but just a few seconds for Linux Mint. This is because the NSA and CIA have put their spyware into Windows making your computer spend more resources spying on you than it is doing the operations that you want it to do.


I've created my own language that only I can read so my students cant read my notes and so hackers and snoopers cant read my screen. Changing to my custom font is impossible in iOS or Windows, but works in Linux Mint fine.

Dual display

When you plug in the HDMI or RGB cable to your computer, it works right away in dual screen mode.

Great Themes

I prefer using a dark theme to preserve battery life on my laptop and Linux Mint has this and other great themes ready with one click.

Works on Old PCs

I've taken dozens of dusty PCs out of garages or storage which the owners have dismissed as dead. With a quick installation of Linux Mint, those old PCs ran better than they ever did before.


Every time Ubuntu Starts acting up on me with a given computer... I use Mint. I t has much less bloat.

Yeah, Mint is great. I don't know why more people don't use Linux. (I guess they do on their Android phones, they just don't know it's Linux.) I've made every USB and SD card I own a persistent Live USB with Linux Mint in case something goes wrong or if I need to do something that a Windows computer wouldn't allow, like run Minergate

I thought Minergate had a quality windows interface. Maybe it does not work well with the actual mining software.
I tend to be like this guy too at times...

It works fine on Windows. I just meant if you wanted to borrow a machine without intalling anything through Windows or didn't have permission or passowrds, but wanted to use the machine's CPU and RAM.

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