#Linux 10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts
this is the complete overview of a third party original content
[1] notify-send
The notify-send command allows you to send desktop notifications to the user via a notification daemon from the command line.
[2] tput
The tput command is used to set terminal features. With tput you can set:
-Move the cursor around the screen.
-Get information about terminal.
-Set colors (background and foreground).
-Set bold mode.
-Set reverse mode and much more.
[3] setleds
The setleds command allows you to set the keyboard leds.
[4] zenity
The zenity command will display GTK+ dialogs box, and return the users input.
[5] kdialog
Kdialog is just like zenity but it is designed for KDE desktop / qt apps.
[6] dialog
Dialog is an application used in shell scripts which displays text user interface widgets.
[7] logger
The logger command writes entries in the system log file such as /var/log/messages.
[8] setterm
The setterm command can set various terminal attributes.
[9] smbclient
Sending Messages To MS-Windows Workstations
Smbclient can send a message to selected users or all users on MS-Windows systems.
[10] Bash Socket Programming
Under bash you can open a socket to pass some data through it.