Review of Solus Linux 2018

in #linux6 years ago

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Budgie, Lightweight and Elegant Desktop Concoction

At the beginning of this new calendar, the Solus project team released a linux distro with a desktop called Budgie. At first I did not have any curiosity at all when I saw the press release by distrowatch.

But several times saw an article that ngelist some distro that has the best potential so aside from mainstrem distributions, such as Ubuntu, Opensuse, Fedora and others. In the article mentioned some distro desktop that has uniqueness, Solus is one of them.

Finally I download to try out what is special this distro?

Boot Speed

Previously I explain yes, in this review the machine used is a Dell 3137 Notebook with Intel Celeron 2955U dual-core processor 1.4 GHz and 2 GB ram.

When the initial process of the usb live mode, boot speed is relatively faster when compared to OpenSUSE version 42 KDE desktop.

Starting from the Splash screen ala Solus to face the desktop look good and run smoothly without any obstacles.

Budgie Desktop Performance

If I'm not mistaken, Budgie is a kind of Cinnamon which is a fork of Gnome 3. When I try to open some default apps is the majority of applications that are interrogated with Gnome 3.

Correction from mas Yu Rizal that Budgie was not a fork, but built with gnome technology, so on some sides there are similarities.

And the good news, Budgie is being rewritten using QT like KDE (Gnome = GTK)

Also some parts of Gnome 3 are deliberately not changed by Solus-project team, such as windows manager. Example as shown below:

The Budgie File Manager is similar to Gnome 3
Still looks similar to gnome 3 but its function is changed, the button close, minimize, search and others to be more simple.

Performance is also impressive, even daring if pitted with Mate which is a fork Gnome 2. But if juxtaposed with Cinnamon desktop, of course Budgie will champion, especially in performance and speed.

But sorry yes, forget the screenshot taskmanager, so ram usagenya not to shot.

The Budgie interface


Kok Budgie again discussed? Indeed, since discussing the differences between the average linux distro is just the difference of the default app features and on the desktop environment alone, very rarely distros are released to have differences in the system. Because the kernel is the same as Linux!

Budgie too, this desktop was released in the Solus OS brand, although other distros can feel it too.

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