The quest for digital enlightenment : ar -x , repair linuxmint from "wont drop to root shell from recovery mode"

in #linux4 years ago

After my "want to install #nasm on an offline pc" adventure

i found the next day (or the day after that ?) that it wouldnt boot anymore - no biggie, so switch to recovery mode in #grub

GREAT (and stuff), however, once there the cooler stuff like "drop to root shell" didnt even wanna , it just printed something REALLY fast and then came back to the coloured fancy text screen (i see there was an update to "make recovery mode more user friendly btw" which is great but havent seen it yet since it wont let me in)

So after much googling telling me always the same pages on "how to enter recovery mode" when i google for "cant drop to root shell from recovery mode" i would normally just FO and format c: and reinstall dos from a floppy but

turns out i backed up EVERYTHING xept my sql tables (that's totally me - actually extensive research has taught me (as far as i think i understand it) that , just like json-for-the-masses , using maria (sql db) is actually SLOWER , which makes total sense since you use a layer on top of a layer (which is php which has to be parsed by #zend , the virtual machine that translates your scripts into something the computer can read (there he goes with the OPs again) which, as it turns out doesnt optimize itself completely as different php structures can lead to more or less OPS per executed(after compilation) script)

not important ?

id say HELLA-portant if you're running google or something a thousand to a million times smaller ... less so if you have a site with 20 visitors a day ofcourse - supremely important if you're hunting the ghost in the machine


and SO i find myself three days in a row posting obscure occult stuff that gets you banned from python and rust fora since its not forcibly structured in a way so even illiterate digiphobes cant make mistakes (which kills all creativity and puts teamwork above functionality and performance but thats pure heresy so i'll leave it before the pitchforks come out)

after much labour on google (i keep saying google, not bing, notice ? thats b/c satellius once stole all my onedrive files and skype contacts "for no reasons given" , after that i decided that ssd drives are actually cheaper by the terabyte than paying a monthly sub for cloud storage AND

satellius cant lock me out of my own data that way, hard-learned, well-earned

undeserved lesson, if it werent for steam and directx windows would have LONG gone here in this temple of shadows and cats

TURNS OUT : .deb files are zip-files (who would have thought ? one of the seven world wonders, right under your nose)

SO ... all this thing after clicking rootprompt a million times i could make out from the after-image on my retina that it was talking about "unmet dependencies" and so i devised (sherlock holmes is never wrong when he speaks, he lives here in janes underground but he doesnt speak much since he only speaks when hes sure hes not wrong - the rest of his days he spends debating dank stuff with mister Spock while smoking opium and sipping on that absinthe - Spock will never be the same)

libc6 , as i already knew was complaining about different version numbers and SO , i checked and kept until i saw the missing packages listed and
as it turns out

you can just ar -x packagename.deb /tmp/out or dpkg -x packagename.deb /tmp/out

then cd /tmp/out , ls -l (or the gui equivalent) and what do you know

i find myself two folders , one for usr/lib , one for usr/share , i put those in the same place on the broken install on the other drive, booted from a different working install as root and then

miraculously i reboot by accident and what do i see ?

i see the bootscreen of the broken install

... im not sure if im out of the woods yet completely but i'm "in the woods again"

insert *time* here

first thing i did was check phpmyadmin when logged in again ... so i made a backup of said sql tables - about the only thing i couldnt reach (since its not an encrypted drive) , in essence i can now format c: and reinstall DOS , however ...

insert *time* here

i find myself at 5AM ... in an endless loop where windows would put you at the start with the "please wait while windows repairs the install" screen- which you keep getting in an endless loop only here you get synaptic with 5 billion packages and options and there you get "click this button to fix"

neither seem to work

i have this but i still have unmet dependencies and everything i do tells me to fix the broken packages first

even clicking the (well-hidden) menu item "fix broken packages" under edit in synaptic ...

its a version conflict but it wont --fix and it wont -f ... since i'm losing millions by the hour here im hard-pressed to not just format c: but i know id feel a lot better about it if i could fix it first (and then format c anyway since i cant trust a wonky install to have artefacts and go blank on me 'for no reasons given' some weeks later as if its name was Crotter Inc. )

and thus ...

(i dont know, what do YOU do at night ? a you live in a land where you "just do it" ... i forgot ...)

no ive been playing xcom by daylight - i forgot how i loved those games and me talking to the squad on my screen is quite immersive ... no overwatching here and the surround sound works just fine ... after putting one speaker on +10db and another on -10db it sounds like everything's coming from the right directio and then someone goes like

"yea but dolby atmos" and me like " ... " come back next life for the next $100 pl0x

insert *time* here

im not "looking down on windows" , i was using windows before you made a bitcoin with your daddys money, i just feel it hasnt improved much instead of more just "gotten heavier" - its restrictive and since the telemetry it eats 100 times the resources it should ,its not customisable and if you do you end up with something saying "you cant do this since you did that, please allow Satellius up your a** so we can provide you with a better service and such and so". Personally i just need it to play games on steam but a custom version thats streamlined to do just that ?

  • doesnt exist and
  • if i were enough of a Crotter junk and made one theyd sue me , maybe even if i just used it for myself. A guy here abouts running a computerstore once told me that he could get €1000 in bonuses from Crotter inc. for just ratting on people who had unlicensed copies of windos on their pcs (the ones they brought to him for repair ... go figure .. for the company that got to be where it is b/c of nerds swapping floppies in back rooms on weekend club meetings ...)

o wait no comment

the nights almost over and i still get the same errors , but i have been on and off as usual - sitting down , burning eyes from the cheap glasses and a dull pain in my neck and back from sitting in a bad position as i draw ever closer to the screen for every time that nasty error pokes at me

to think i used to spend nights in bed with girlfriends ... maybe that wasnt me

but i think its one of the people inhere anyway - i dont really do "time" very well - past present future - specially the past is one big zone - figuring out "what year" is a herculean task sometimes trying to remember "when" something "was"

i suppose "you do not understand" ... (neither do i, but i live it ...)

right :

"depends but is not installable"

yes - if someone were to scratch me hard enough for instance, then that might always be yesterday since i have very vivid 3D

yes - like one of your judges once said in other words : "being an idiot does not excuse you from the facts, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS , NEXT !"

insert *time* here

i seem to be logging into a black screen again after attempting to manually extract .deb packages (the thing that got me logged back in in the first place) -
is this a waste of time ? i consider my future stolen by third parties who think a mix between carrot on a stick and a good mental beating is the best motivation to keep someone going on dopamine for 60 years - maybe that works for mundanes, i dont think it does for all mutants

... the weirdest error was one package stating it requires libc6 > 2.27 AND libc6 < 2.28 ... which must be some Torvalds Enigma Cryptospeak i dont understand because in linux math there is no infinite number of packages between those two afaik

      • i could have been blendering, chatting on tiktok, playing xcom or sitting all night with my **** in my hand watching **** - or i could go "dating with Corona" ... i suppose .. but i promised all gods and demons NEVER again until im out of belgium with my money and my cats - getting that sabotaged will not turn me into one of your dopamine junkies - it will just leave me a burning ball of hate who will die unhappy and alone

STOP projecting your normals and mundane-sets on me - all you do is damage, dearie

you've already done too much ? DOES IT SHOW ... sometimes ?

really ? i wouldnt notice, would i ... what do i know after all of "the real world" ?

which one is that ? is that the one you see on tv , i remember streets and nights and nothing and really hard stuff and people and all that and worse

"that wasnt real ?"

owh - i was doing linux, right , heh

insert *time* here

oh - recovery mode ends with kernel panic - i think i might have done it this time - like completely
RAX RDX RBP ??? is that register(s) ?

RIP: 0033:0x7f5694aa5ba1

i understand R.I.P. but i dont speak Linus that well - it does look like a fatality

so now what - in dubio between "try and re-copy some files from a different install" and "flip a coin to see if you just reinstall and put the backups back"

... "what would normal people do ?"

... what kind of a question is that ? you made it very clear i'm not, ever since i can remember :)

euhm ... where was i ... O YEA HERE ! STUCK ... twisted - somewhere between dimensions with a mirror palace for a brain

aah yes, i noticed i did .. but i didnt request to be on the Truman show , theres plenty like that

"loezen" sounds like "losing" but in essence in local slang means "oppai" (i cant say it in english b/c that is against the law of letterwords) - actually it means something a bit closer to "ample oppai" in nuance so its as many things one of those things who dont translate - but you could make it sound like just so many things from an audio recording , even without deep-fud ,i did i did i noticed

insert *time* here

copying version 2.27 ends with

recovery mode dying

RIP: 0033:0x7fe12615a5d6

its a different number !


(and a lot more) - the morale ? is there a morale ?

if a meteor hits the earth is there a morale to it ? an earthquake ?

does good, bad, or even "numbers" as such exist anywhere but in the sapiens-mind ?

OH ? DO YOU HAVE MY 100 MILLION ? then wtf do you want ?

insert *time* here

almost bedtime i think im getting close to "just reinstall and restore backups" after two days but for some reason i was compelled to - id probably try more but since theres no recovery mode telling me what packages are fuxed and i have no idea what all those (i assume registers) threeletterwords full of hexadecimal numbers try to tell me

i know lately the hellhole has been trying to get me into daylight again, waking me up at nine and stuff like it used to, as if saying "and NOW after a good rest were gonna JUST DO IT"

as if the previous 30 years didnt prove you cant force a guy to move faster after breaking his legs OR ELSE

where was i ?

o yea - SO

you can manually extraxt .deb files

dpkg -x name.deb /tmp/out

it might just help you back in to get your sql tables exported and if you have a linus-torvalds level brain maybe you can actually fix the whole install

short version

but "since you asked" ... the underground came with it

small part of it

i think tomorrow night a bit of lightweight unity or agk , unless i win the lottery and find me a harem after moving out to other planets with my cat

whichever comes first

please keep in mind :

  • if its been touched by belgium in any way its evil
  • if its human its not to be trusted

... these are proven facts, empirical

you did that, remember ?

is "this version of me bad" , precious ?

you still not understand ? there is no "version of me"

its all of us at all the time you cant have one without all of it - im tired, and not just of explaining

Screenshot from 2021-02-16 04-31-15.png

Screenshot from 2021-02-16 04-35-53.png

Screenshot from 2021-02-16 06-07-51.png

o well - im sure the virus will fix all that (not for me but b/c the universe demands balance)

as far as i get biology, virology and statistical math the logical conclusion is that south-african variant and/or P1 fight for domination (its a struggle even if you're only 30.000 letters long) which comes down to

many things, among others : forget astra zeneca , take moderna at 3 to 4 shot value, halve the others and try to convince pfizer to innoculate the planet AFTER proving theirs does notlose efficiency against the new breeds

in essence : the boss wave isnt here yet

thats just some plain old logic - sherlock refuses to comment since theres too many variables

but statistically speaking : thats your probability right there, not inevitability but considering the state of sapiens : probability

im not an expret ofcourse, im a twisted piece of bummage - although i found my crystal ball in 2020 to be on spot for everything but the american elections, which i gave to trump by a picometer b/c from where i stand he looks a lot more like the avg american as they would call it (or sounds like) and the numbers said "americans trust trump more to get them jobs" ... the name of the holy Job) but my margin was off heheh

BOSS WAVE ... it would be a logical conclusion to the current situation, not everyone is Taiwan or Israel and you can simply NOT get through to the slums of the earth anyway but i understand lately you cant speak about it like that, you have to say "YAY VACCINESS" and do a little dance since by september we'll all be back to normal (no one remembers what that was though, i ask around and i get weird visions of a world that never existed) and in summer they're gonna have carnival in the streets in ratcity too

i prefer to keep my glass half empty, empirical study has proven that "when stuck in enemy territory with sapients all around, DONT go about being smileypositive, just fake a smile and nod"

the disappointment will get to you otherwise

so i keep it in an obscure place

there's other things like "transmission rates are directly corellated to the potential number of mutations, which means chance at new mutations atm is ... "quite" high (<-see thats me downsizing it to be positive) and

something called the blood-brain barrier which i have been reading about first about six months ago but seems to be ignored so far ... its complicated and if you were to be explained THAT

you'd certainly go depressed - the general idea in mundane-land i think is "if its not proven, then ignore it" instead of "lets go with the worst case scenario as a baseline" (which makes more sense to me if you're trying to survive)

but me = crazy

you = normal

... i dont consider the night wasted but typing all this might be ...

  • ...

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