Why I Abandoned Dual Boot and Finally Gained Back Freedom

in #linux6 years ago

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Read the story of my ventures using dual boot with Windows 10 and Linux. Is it really the best of both worlds—or an inconvenience holding you back? These are the reasons why I finally deleted Linux.

My Journey Towards Using Dual Boot

Dual-booting has, for an incredibly long time, been the way I had my computers set up.

To be honest, I am moderately obsessed with operating systems that look good and work well. (Okay, maybe not moderately, as such.)

Therefore, I obviously found my eye stuck on several Linux distributions over the years! The family of Windows operating systems had been my primary driver—for everything I do—since the beginning of time.

Quick: What is Dual Boot?

Dual-booting with Windows and Linux is the most common dual-boot configuration.

Fortunately, you’re not limited to installing just one operating system to your computer’s storage drive.

To demonstrate, multi-booting is the way in which you can boot into one of the installed OSs. A menu appearing when you turn on your computer is usually how you would select the OS.

In addition, perhaps the most widely-used form of this is dual boot: having 2 installed OSs to boot, typically Windows and Linux.

Read on in order to learn more about dual boot and its purpose in life.

For the full article, indulge in the real deal at the Cryptic Butter blog.

Within the buttery goodness:

  • My Journey Towards Using Dual Boot
    • My Experience with Windows
    • Building My Own Computer: My First Full Linux Experience
    • Why I Gave Up on Linux
      • Going Back to The Good-Old Trusty Windows 10
    • Dabbling Back into the World of Linux: Using Dual Boot
  • What’s the Point of Linux?
  • Why You Would Want to Use Windows
  • Why I Currently Avoid Dual Boot
    • Using and Managing Two OS—One at a Time
    • You Eliminate Precious Storage Space
    • BitLocker Adds Even More Complications
    • In the End, I Never Actually Used Linux
  • When I Think Dual Boot is Excusable
  • Alternatives to Dual Boot
    • Virtual Machines
    • Using Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator)
  • My Journey Continues

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