Lineage 2 Fishing Master Rod Versus Fancy rod and Easter Eggs !!!

in #lineage27 years ago (edited)

Lineage 2 Fishing

Hello Steemit Friends!

This post will be a tutorial on Lineage 2 Fishing, crafting Master fishing rods and using a fancy rod.

But first an important note: All screens are made in-game with my char Mrdread on server Zaken (NA) [if you are there give me a shout out and maybe we will do a raid or something].I wrote in the game my tutorial for Steemit.

Now I will open reddish boxes, I had 31 boxes for this tutorial!

lineage red boxes

Now for anyone who could not read what I wrote in the game tutorial I made this part to explain in detail!

So in my tutorial I shown the fishing spots:

  • any town that has a harbour - I used giran Harbour and Heine and giran lake from outside the town.
    I shown the npc for fishing quests:
  • they are found in any town


normal baits are used from level 85- the give blue boxes that have fishing shots inside and sturdy fishing rods - with low chance
r99 baits - from level 99 - they give reddish boxes that have inside - fishing shots, Maph luck potion, Rainbow Clan war Decree, Sturdy fishing rods with a low chance

Items from fishing:
fishing shots ( increase the succes rate of fishing)
boxes for normal 85 fishing and r99 for level 99 fishing
basic boxes - given at completing the quest from level 1 faction until level 3
intermediate boxes- given at completing quest from level 3 till level 6 fishing faction .

Fishing rods:

Normal fishing rod (30 days)
Sturdy fishing rod
Master fishing rod stage 1 it requires Fishing Guild Grade 2
Master fishing rod stage 2 it requires Fishing Guild Grade 3
Master fishing rod stage 3 it requires Fishing Guild Grade 4
Master fishing rod stage 4 it requires Fishing Guild Grade 5
Master fishing rod stage 5 it requires Fishing Guild Grade 6
Fancy rod (Best from the game at this moment)

Abilities of Master Fishing rods:

Master fishing rod stage 1

Fishing time reduced by: 10 seconds

A fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with the name of a legendary master angler of the east. Fishing Shots consumed: 1

Master fishing rod stage 2

Fishing time reduced by: 15 seconds

Master fishing rod stage 3

Fishing time reduced by: 20 seconds

Master fishing rod stage 4

Fishing time reduced by: 25 seconds

Master fishing rod stage 5

Fishing time reduced by: 30 seconds

Up to this point let us say that we can find the information from l2wiki. From here what I write you learn only from gaming!


First let us look on this table:

This table is provided in the l2wiki -- on expedition page-- But here I must write about something really important about this table.

First this table informs you about the xp you MAY gain if you fish with a rod ( normal/fancy) and a bait for each bait. That is a special bait that you can only gain when it is an event .

So if you see this table on wiki page or in forums please understand that they refer only to event baits only

Now the difference between a master rod and and a fancy rod is like this:

Master fishing rods further reduce the fishing time first by 10sec with Lv1 while each subsequent level reduces the time by 5sec up to 30sec reduction with Lv5.

Fishing tries per hour with different rods

Normal - 30
Lvl1 - 32,72
Lvl2 - 34,28
Lvl3 - 36
Lvl4 - 37,89
Lvl5 - 40
Fancy one - 144

This is the rate that I have with my orc but I found a strange secret or easter egg of the game .
At first I started to fish with my orc, dwarf and ertheia character all with normal rods.
The one that was faster was the ertheia characther
Then I created Master rods level 1 the result - ertheia char was the faster one
Then I took a fancy rod in-game ( i did not donate) for 3.8 bilion adena ( december 2016) and the result was that my orc was 5x faster then any other char online.
That was fine and dandy but the main ideea was that the ertheia was faster on the same grade of rods ...and the result was the same when I used a fancy rod on my ertheia char.

That was super strange easter egg of the game...I write this because my dwarf that I used for my fishing test had 53 luck so what I deduct from this is that the LUCK STAT doesnt affect fishing rate!!!

Fishing tries ≠ Fishes caught;

Success rate of catching a fish (or a box) with shots enabled is 75% with some slight variation involved. If you get lower, re-enabling your fishing shots usually fixes the problem. (The rate has been indirectly confirmed by NC during Heine Fishing Expedition 2016 and by tracking my own fishing experience during 300+ hours of afk fishing. Here I mean the tabl from up)

Friends here it ends my tutorial! I tried my best to explain not only what the explanation from l2wiki means but olso share my knowledge with you!If you have questions post them in the coment section bellow.Cheers!


Great post dear friend @cynetyc, I hope you had fun, thanks for sharing

Of course @jlufer I play this game from a very long time . I started to play with my uncle then my friends and time passed ...I can say I know a lot now about the game.

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