
in #lily3 years ago

傍晚至,男主角先生,与 女主角角小姐。行走在落日曾经富含余晖的居住区小道里,院墙与房屋似乎还有被太阳晒了一天暖暖的气息。
Evening, Mr. Hero, and miss Heroine Angle. Walking in the residential alley where the setting sun used to be rich in afterglow, the courtyard walls and houses still seem to be warm after a day in the sun.
Their faces and expressions were comfortable, and they saw a small park in the open space. There's a slide, there's sand, there's some greenery.
This is the day when the hero is in a happy mood, and he wants to release the love he has been storing up for a long time. It was someone he loved, someone he went through the same high school with, the same college with. That's the woman who worked and worked till now.
The night came, carrying the wind. Blotting out the last rays of time. The hero gets down on one knee, and the diamond ring in the box glistens in the dark.
Heroine, although strong outfit cheer up, also with heart and female early have the spirit place that hears perceive conflict, still showed originally this some expression.
One by one of the shadows darted out, five solid figure and coarse chest hair man appeared here, broke the peace here.
Their tall figures seemed to cast darkness over each of them.
In hairy chested sausage lips moving up and down, talk is inaudible and covered in saliva speech.
His mouth was wide open, his white teeth were leaking, and he was laughing.
Let her go. Let her go. The leading actor is unable to struggle to be held hostage by three hairy chest men, while helplessly looking at the heroine there by two other hairy chest men pressed on the lamp post, tied up.
The heroine seems to want to close her eyes silently and feel the fate from her own.
But the two hairy chested men turned and left, and walked over to the male protagonist who kept getting groped and struggling by hairy chested men. They didn't do anything to the heroine.
Five hairy chested men, undressing the struggling hero.
The heroine is a bit of a pain in the heart, watching this scene, her husband is made love to five big hairy men. The slender body of the leading man was crushed by five men who were far beyond his physique. Belong to the huge male hormone sweat, thick flavor bloom, steel ball or wire dark hair, washing the male protagonist Mr. Skin.
剧烈的震动感觉,铁一般的粗色肌肉爆发出的力量就像炸药一样,还有滚烫的炽热。男主角先生渐渐在挣扎中感受到了疼痛,与之每一次被肛门射精的疲弱,和渐渐精神沉入水面下,想要再一次挣扎的渴望。 渴望,与疲劳所交替的感觉。一丝丝,来自曾经属于他和同事一起去男人娱乐场所的回忆,舒适感觉涌上了内心。
The sensation of intense vibration, the power of the iron thick muscles exploding like dynamite, and the heat of boiling hot. The hero gradually felt the pain in the struggle, with each weak anal ejaculation, and gradually sank into the water, the desire to struggle again. Longing, alternating with fatigue. As he and his colleagues went to men's entertainment venues, he felt comfortable.
Quiet, under the lamp. The heroine is bound by duct tape to a lamppost, unable to move, and confused.
On the other side, the voice of the supporting actress boomed.
She was dressed in a somewhat mediocre yet gorgeous dress, and her pale hands took the heroine's chin and studied it carefully.
Cherry red lips twitching, saying: I also like the leading male seniors, since ever, I have been closely behind you. The flower of the school at that time, has long since declined. You decline, but I still bloom. My beloved heroine, my beloved heroine.
How about this performance? I planned it. Your mind must be very satisfied.
The supporting actress pinched the heroine's chin and said.
What do you want to do? Poison woman, why is she always after us. The heroine fought back tears, staring at her big eyes, looking at the supporting actress.
Suddenly the kiss, made her mind blank.
The supporting actress kisses the leading lady deeply, she faces the leading lady's lips, slowly leaves. Some clear liquid, and heat from their mouths.
So I took your first kiss from him.
The supporting actress gently holding the heroine's cheek, looking into the distance together, by five hairy chested men taught in the happy male leading role. His snow-white bones were covered with fine male hair, swaying with tangled black wire and heavy arms. The strong smell of sweat.
The supporting actress to the heroine is constantly kissing the tongue kiss, the supporting actress deeply kissing, aroused the heroine gradually gave up his struggle, the heroine's eyes blurred she seemed to accept all this, unable to resist.
I envy, I envy, why, why, only you a person can, can enjoy the love of the hero ancestors, why I can not, why do not want to share with me.
Supporting actress will all long-cherished wishes, are released in the heroine's body deeply licking skin, mouth chanting.
I'm gonna take what he gave you. Bring it all here.
Male leading role is still full at this time according to the untidy, by the big men wanton discipline. There was a lot of dirty, unidentified fluid on his body.
The graceful body curve of the supporting actress walked into that chest hair big guy crowd.
Hairy chest big man, looking at her coming, then stopped the work in hand.
The supporting actress will that one belongs to the male leading role of the meat stick in both hands, looking at the heroine, looking at the male leading role at this time some faint giggle face. The supporting actress is smiling.
Do you yearn for the children and grandchildren of the man you love, and enjoy the future happiness of your family?
I'm sorry, but your happiness belongs to me.
The supporting actress seems to have been greedy for opium in the old days. She drank, she sucked greedily, as if all hope and ideal could be realized through the warm stream into the mouth, heart and spirit.
Glug, glug. The supporting actress swallowed the warm stream full of spirit and said to the leading actress:
His first time, it's gone. The supporting actress scraped the residue off her lips with her fingers and licked it with her tongue.
Then, once again, the supporting actress sucked up a lot of warm white water. Under the control of the male leading role in five hairy chest big man, affectionately feeding to the male leading role's mouth
After feeding, the supporting actress looked at the leading man who was about to vomit。
You don't want to spit it out for me, the supporting actress pressed her white fingers on the lips of the leading man.
The supporting actress looks to the male leading role to say: want not to want not to let these men continue sexual intercourse you, want me to return you free also can.
女配角将裙摆掀开,脱下衣裤。 双腿岔开说道:给我喂进去。
The supporting actress parted her skirts and took off her trousers. Spread your legs and feed me in.
Happy bright flush, bloom on the expression of the supporting actress.
—— 我好快乐啊,——我好快乐啊,这就是爱的感觉
-- I'm so happy, -- I'm so happy, that's what love feels like
Soon, the supporting actress excitedly picked up her underwear. Face five return psychology did not arrive contented bosom hair big man say: you continue.
Five hairy chested men, another round of battle, against the hero.
The heroine, who had been tied to the lamp-post, began to cry.
Hairy chest big guy, while fighting against the male leading role, while saying: too beautiful, his beauty products, nutrition.
This is the smell of your lover, the supporting actress once again holding the heroine's chin, with tongue wrapped in a little white warm stream, lips with the taste of their mutual love. The sound of water mixed with water.
In the wee hours of the morning, the supporting actress leaves with a bunch of happy and contented hairy chested men. Leaving the hero limp and tired, wrapped already cold wet strange smell of water.
The heroine was covered in bruises from her failed attempts to free herself from the ropes and secure her with the lamp-post tape. She dressed the unconscious hero and carried it on her back. Toward the distant sunrise.
In my mind's eye... .
The supporting actress, blushing, picked up an injection from a black leather suitcase in the hairy chest. As she walked up to the hero, she said: this is a feminine potion, the injection will become a woman in three days.
Courtyard, heroine a tired male leading role carried into the house.
She changed shoes at the entrance of the hallway, and opened the door of the bathroom with the leading actor on her back again.
The heroine remembers the voice of the supporting actress again, and he is becoming a woman. Because of the drugs.
As the jacket fades, the hero's chest is bulging.
洗澡水的声音刷刷的响着。The sound of the bath water bubbled.
After the bath, the morning arrived, and the heroine was cutting dishes in the kitchen, looking at the male protagonist with dementia face sitting on the chair over there.
The sunlight obscured the reflection of the picture in the living room.
Tall and heroic figure, April 2006. After graduation from the law school, the leading actor set a record of 50 consecutive wins and was awarded by the law school. He took a photo with many tutors and fellow students.
And in the afternoon. A woman is wearing an apron, holding a vacuum cleaner and cleaning herself in the living room with French Windows and plenty of light. The door opens, and the hero's dad, dad for short. Entered the door and changed his shoes in the vestibule.
He pushed his glasses, wore a black and gray plaid shirt, and carried a black wallet. Came in.
He went to the fridge and opened a kirin beer. Plopped down on the couch and started drinking.
My father complained, "Our family has encountered some problems in business operation recently. All the methods have failed. In politics, in business, I've been in touch with maybe the people who helped us, but all of them have failed.
If only my son were a girl, I could marry him and save my money. Dad sighed.
The heroine looked at the father of the hero and said to him deeply that he had been mutilated in the street and his lower body had been infertile.
The actor's father took off his pants and looked at the lower body of the heroine with a silent face. The actor's mother had walked for a long time, and his impotence lasted for now
Let me go and check on the child.
Opened the door, male dad and heroine together to see, male hero is gradually transsexuals of the body. Dad went up to the root of the hero for a while suction, suction out of semen. And found that the leading man's breasts can produce milk. At the moment, the actor's dull eyes.
Dad's sexually dysfunctional body finally got an erection. The father immediately went to have sex with his child, but was immediately embraced by the heroine. Let daddy's dick stick into me.
The male father greedily holds the male leading role to kiss and lick the male leading role's breast, but the crotch is tried by the female leading role with the lower body. The father immediately shot out a torrent of semen, accumulated over decades of sexual dysfunction, covering all three.
The heroine was satisfied and immediately went into the house, leaving the father still greedy to continue to have sex with his child.
女主角细心做饭照看着已经女性化男主角的生活。以及帮着男爸洗衣服做饭的苦劳。 男爸每天细心给男主角打扮,在床上教育男主角怎样提高水平。并四处打电话联姻,到处推销男主角。 女主角在厨房里做饭时,看到了自己的小腹鼓起的微微动了一下。她心满意足。
The heroine cooks and watches over the life of the already feminine hero. And the drudgery of helping dad do the laundry and cook. Dad every day to dress up the hero carefully, in bed to educate the hero how to improve the level. And make phone calls and sell leading men everywhere. When the heroine was cooking in the kitchen, she saw her stomach move slightly. She was content
全程解说员说着:难道这次女配角要十连冠了。已经九连冠了。 女配角一脸自信的一边拿着麦克风一边抚摸着自己的肚子说,她已经是妈妈了。 全场欢呼,为其庆祝。
Supporting actress in the annual performance crown competition, once again defeated a large number of enemies, ready to enter the final battle.
The commentator of the whole journey says: difficult way this time the supporting actress wants ten consecutive crowns. It's been nine in a row. The supporting actress, with a confident look on her face, stroked her stomach while holding the microphone and said she was a mother. The audience cheered and celebrated.
解说员: ——让我们迎来这位母亲最终的决战吧。 女主角一身表演装从一边花礼绽放的黑暗大门走出。
Narrator: - Let's meet the mother's final showdown. The heroine walked out of the dark door in a showpiece costume.
最后镜头,是一张报纸。 第一页 偶像大赛第一名女主角与第二名女配角。 一起过上了幸福的生活,两人抱着她们各自的孩子。第二页,女性化男主角 与某位财团大少爷联姻
The last shot is of a newspaper. First page idol contest first actress and second supporting actress. They lived a happy life together, holding their children. On the second page, the feminine hero marries a certain corporate master.。



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