Peace beyond Understanding threw awakened genes | Merlin Vlog 14

in #lightworker7 years ago

It's working, Manuel! Every day you're getting closer! Everything you've ever wanted is being pressed toward you. Everything is clicking. Don't let the illusions trick you. Don't let the events of today dampen your spirits. Things couldn't be any better than they now are. You couldn't have more reasons to celebrate. Continue! Press on! The hardest work is done! Keep showing up, be present, open every door and let events unfold. Life is your stage. This is your parade.

Together we can do anything.

I love it when you're hot,
The Universe

"All the so-called problems in the world are fed by the energy of fear. Fear is a greedy feeder so each time fear arises it will try to make you believe that it is the most important thing in the world. 'Give me ALL your attention!' it screams. "
"When you get caught in fear, you end up feeding the negative drama that's playing out on earth. That's a guarantee of misery for you and others. It is the last thing you want to do. Fear will forever try to fascinate you with its stories, but it's important to remember that fear has been telling and retelling the same stories for thousands of years. Stories of 'us and them', stories of the battle between 'good and evil,' " they laughed. "Just remember that underneath each one of those stories, and stretching beyond and beneath every drama on earth is the radiant Net of Light."
"Each time one of you remembers to call on us, and on the Net of Light, those dramas are diffused," they said. "One person holding steady to the Net of Light takes the power out of the voracious feeding machine of fear. So, as soon as you catch yourself holding your breath, tensing up, entertaining thoughts like 'this is scary,' know that fear has taken control. Then quickly call on us."
"The times you are living in are ripe for fear's attempts at control, but you are wise souls. Beautiful souls. Each of you has an important part to play at this time in history, so stay connected with us, stay connected with one another, and with the Net of Light. Hold to truth. And no matter what ugly mask fear may wear on any given day, don't let it fool you. Your job is to stay in the light. Each time you do that you will help us and help everyone." Wrapping me/us in their arms, the Grandmothers said, "We thank you for your true, true hearts."
“Your friendship with the most essential spiritual movers and shakers of this world is something many of us in the higher spheres admire, even treasure to encounter. For us, cooperation is a given; we know no other way. Right now I’m here to explain a little about your recent remarks that Urantia long ago took a wrong turn, quite unbeknownst to herself. And I say, it is merely intuited by you that things of importance were withheld from your global curriculum by those (celestials) who were directed by the Gods to do right. With them all gone, devious human ‘teachers’ took their places. One needed great minds. Tesla, did so much! You needed many, many Teslas, however.

The Beloved One: “Dear one, allow the words I speak to fall upon your thirsty soul like a gentle rain. Allow this rain to nourish you anew, so the hardened places in your mind and heart give way to this living water, so everything will connect in a greater harmony and balance.

“This is the secret of a well-poised and balanced personality. It is the softening of all the hard places of un-lovingness, unforgiveness, intolerance, impatience, anger, jealousies, fear, suspicion, and more. It is the false ego-pride being ‘knocked off its perch’ of self-satisfaction.

“Life is like that: it consists of lessons, which have their purpose to uncover all those hard places in you so you can ask Spirit to spread the rain of greater understanding.

“It is ‘preparing the ground’ so to speak, while the seeds of insight slumbering in you, may be triggered and awakened to rise up to become part of you, so the true meaning of My words shall become clearer on the road to perfection.

“Eventually all superstitions, all man-made creed and dogmas shall be weeded out and only truth shall remain. This truth is the fact of My existence within all of humanity like a hidden Pearl, living and working within to help guide you to your eternal destination.

“When you find Me, you will have no more inclination to consult the stars, cards of any sort, stones, tea leaves or any other erroneous means of discovering your destiny; because I who live within you, have come from the Universal Creator to guide you.

“Ponder these words for a while and let them fall like gentle rain onto your soul, because your search has ended. In time My words shall bring forth the fruits of knowing and understanding which are hidden in you. Your life does have purpose; its purpose is to flex and practice your spiritual muscles of faith and trust in that eternal truth.

“It is a peace beyond understanding that I am offering you. Come and seek Me daily so we may commune and you can get to know Me better.

“Peace, be still . . .”

“It’s all in the education you received on this planet — you got much of what you did not in-the-least deserve, little of what you really needed. Your education was warped. The physical world was starkly separated from the spiritual world and supposedly there was nothing good in between. Free energy has ever since been wastefully overlooked in your ‘pay-for-what-you-get’ economies, but more so have your evil-biased educators steered you wrong.

“The future, you will find, will give up its secrets to young, oh-so-sharp minds and the planet will be celebrated for the miserable dark globe it once was and for the prestigious, illuminated and choice ‘study destination’ it will soon become.

“Will you still be here, you ask? I don’t wish to say. However, if you are moved on you will still come to see and wonder about the brilliant minds and question the awakening of the Andite genes and minds, yes, the Adamite genes, minds and inventiveness and you will look back at your life and know without any doubt whatever that you were a tiny but essential part of that whole process, for you followed Michael’s advice to do the Father’s Will.


We do not use as much knowledge as we acquire

“The future, you will find, will give up its secrets to young, oh-so-sharp minds and the planet will be celebrated for the miserable dark globe it once was and for the prestigious, illuminated and choice ‘study destination’ it will soon become."

Indeed bro.
Nice video. I think I went into a trance.

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