Oh, the Richness of Creation | Merlin Vlog 17

in #lightworker7 years ago

You know, Manuel, it's only after umpteen lifetimes, a dramatic ascension into peak vibrational levels of light and awareness, and only after "the way" has been meticulously prepared and tests have been passed that a soul can even hope for the kind of life you're now living.

You "hot dog."

The Universe

The Beloved One: “Dear one, again I invite you to settle down in My Presence and experience the unconditional love I have for you.

“Truly, child, I accept you the way you are, including all your mistakes and your perceived sins of omission and commission. You are learning some astonishing lessons in life and no lasting harm is ever done, for sooner or later, yes, inevitably your lessons will be learned.

“This is the way the Universal Creator has ordained his mortal children should learn. How otherwise would you know the difference in your heart and soul?

“The understanding you are gaining brings to your life a treasured richness, which is uniquely yours. This is why all God’s children are different, for each one experiences life in his or her own way.

“Yes, all are reflections of the One. Therefore, see each and everyone as part of yourself, as ultimately each has their existence in the One.

“Oh, the richness of Creation!

“Ponder more often these, My sayings, and do this rather than mull over the past. The past has served you well in bringing you more decidedly into My presence.

“Rejoice, and be glad and trust the process we have begun.

“Oh, Mystery of Mysteries!”


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. The center of my Universe is the Threefold Flame in my Heart. My Universe consists of every person, place, condition and thing in my life, conscious or unconscious, past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability. Within my Heart Flame I have the ability to Love my Universe FREE of all lower energies and thus I set myself FREE. Simultaneously, I assist every other point in my Universe to move forward in the Light.

With this affirmation, I invoke the full Cosmic Force of the new frequencies of the Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame into the Threefold Flame in my Heart. I now visualize myself in the center of my Universe with every person, place, condition or thing in orbit around my Heart Flame, some close, some at a great distance. I visualize each one receiving the uplifting frequencies of the new Resurrection Flame as it flows through my Heart Flame. In every case, this powerful Resurrection Flame is a greater force than any negative energy associated with that person, place, condition or thing. I AM now Loving FREE every point in my Universe, from its center, which is my Heart Flame. I remain in this elevated state of consciousness, and I affirm with deep feeling:

I AM the center of my Universe.

I AM a Force of God’s Resurrection Flame to all points in my Universe.

I AM a Master over every vibration less than Divine Love.

I AM Free. . . I AM Free. . . I AM Eternally Free.

My Father-Mother God now envelop me in the most exquisite frequencies of the new Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame. This Sacred Fire begins Resurrecting my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies into the full embrace of my I AM Presence.

I breathe in deeply again and suddenly I feel the Resurrection Flame lifting me into higher and higher frequencies of Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance. I pierce into the core of purity within each and every one of these celestial patterns, and the splendor of these glorious expressions of the New Earth permeate my Being.

A new level of Divine Wisdom is being Resurrected within my heart and mind. In a flash of Enlightenment I know, and fully understand…

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.


These are quickly becoming my normal "watch before I go to bed" installments . NLP you say? Nooooooooo 😭

cicada 3301 Phone Booth gone??? Interesting video, is the phone booth were they call you from gone??

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