“Embrace the Inner Guru.” Defango's Pilgrimage continues in Dallas

in #lightworker7 years ago

The Move into Dallas is completed and I have a month to use this time to make some magic happen for myself. I have been working to get to Dallas Texas and finally made it. I spend the last 2 days getting some much needed rest and getting things unloaded from my car into my new "Residence" for the next 30 days. I feel like there is a ton of work to be done and my friend that is helping my build my business told me something very smart. He asked me to think about what I wanna do and what I can do. He's always wondering about what skills I posses but he has seen first hand that I can complete a ton of different things. This understanding needs to be fixed and I need to find out what my strengths are and how I can move forward to use this skills to make something of myself. I have to get some money made and I need to do the best to take this opportunity to make something of all the things I can do. The company is a business in a box and it seem I need to make it happen once again.

What is my business?
What is my purpose?
What do I like to do?
How can I help others?
Where is the power in my effort?
How can this be used to help?

So many questions and All I can do is answer. It's helpful to have kind words of wisdom to meditate on what the future can hold. I know I need to do something by my traveling kinda showed me I was getting stressed because of my money situation. I was scared because of the crypto markets going down and how my steemit was seeming to drop in payout. I'm all in on steemit and I have to make something of it. I still need to build something, my inner spirit is screaming at me to get something started but I have never had the means to get things done right. My investor wants to change that and I need to focus on how to build myself and a business. All the while I'm going to ensure that I make 1 post a day. Sometimes I get discouraged on things and have to remind myself that it's my inner darkness trying to lead me to fear. I have 30 days to make something of myself before and this gift and I will do whatever possible.

Much love

Manuel, living the life of your dreams is a lot like sailing.

You pick your destination, hoist up your sail, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the wind do all the hard work.

In other words, imagine the end result, do what little you can, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let me blow your mind.

The Universe

Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Embrace the Inner Guru.”

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to address the Corps Students — those who have diligently followed this teaching program and have taken the messages and lessons to the ‘heart and soul’ of their being. We also want you to know that we leave no one out who is actively engaged and may be only starting on this path, for you are all developing your mature spiritual personalities in waves (soul groups) and so today we address those groups that are ready to receive our guidance and instruction for their active participation in the Correcting Time and in Father’s Great Plan.

“My dear students, it should be clear to you, but often is not, that you have progressed further along than you know and most all of you have achieved the Third Psychic Circle of human personality maturity and spiritual potential, and some have gone even further than this. With this achievement comes the attachment of two Destiny Guardians — one of which is always present and focused on your accelerated growth. You have achieved a moderate degree of attunement with your Thought Adjuster (TA) and are receiving regular input, yet many of you do not recognize this as divine leading.

“Your humble nature, which is a virtue that has served you well on your spiritual path, can sometimes prevent you from ‘owning’ your mature status as an advanced student. For you, the days of seeking outwardly for a greater guru is over, and many of you are discovering that the guru message no longer satisfies your need for greater attunement. It is for you, dear students that I implore you to step into your shoes and embrace the inner guru, your Father Fragment, as an intimate partner that stands ready to hand you the ‘keys to the kingdom.’

“I, as one who serves with you, cannot tell you what your mission is — that is for you to work out with your TA, but I am here to guide you to the doorway of your Inner Guru that you may believe and boldly step into your role as an advanced student — one who is aware of their active participation in the Great Plan and one who shall work in partnership with their TA — to Ask and to Receive. There are gifts of the spirit that are to be revealed to those who serve and are ready for their ordination as confirmed partners with the Father via His Indwelling Spirit.

“Already have many of your TAs ‘looked ahead’ and have confirmed your fusion as fact and it is only a matter of time and experience before the Sacred Union is complete — you are undeniably destined for eternal life in service with the family of the Creator. You are gods in the making and it is not prideful for you to accept this — it is the Creator’s plan for you — to stand before him on paradise and receive the embrace of Finality — to go out into the greater developing universes of time and become the administrators of new worlds.

“Although you are now standing in the kindergarten of your eternal service, you have been given these revelations that you may understand your destiny (like those in later epics of Light and Life). Now step into your roles as partners with the Creator by establishing your relationship with His Indwelling Spirit. The Keys to the Kingdom lay in His outstretched hand.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.


You know you have a good network of fellow Sourcerers who can help in ways that others cannot. Don't hesitate to check in once in a while.


😃Nice Post,

Really Enjoyed reading this, your words had their own tight grip of inspiration and a touch of pizzazz! Your writing style is super enjoyable to read, my name is also Dallas, just like the move. Peace to you as well, Have a Nice Day/Evening.
Keep up the Excellent Content!🌴

🐞Steem-on!🐝 ♦@defango

I enjoy reading your posts, and watching your videos. I do believe you are quite talented at this. I check every day for a glimpse into your journey. Keep up the work bro. I hope you are able to catch one of my daily dogecoin giveaways. Have a good one dude!

Buen post, saludos desde Venezuela.

Bravo Brother

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