"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."—Matthew 7:12

in #lighttheworld7 years ago


"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."—Matthew 7:12
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is called the  Golden Rule, and if everyone followed it, the world would be a better  place.


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 This is the most fantastic writing topic, because this is what life is about. Do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you. 

If this was every persons view in life, what a wonderful place the world would be. 

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I had children at school, who were really naughty. The one thing that I learned very quickly was find out why they are like this. 

I use to visit their homes, and there you would find out that in this house they do not get love, parents fight all the time and what do you expect from such a child.  We always say, children learn from example and it is so true, as this is the example they were getting at home. 

Now when this child is naughty, I use to think twice before doing anything as I wanted the child to tell me why, and sometimes it would just pour out of their mouths how bad it was at home and here at school they could get the upper hand. This is so sad.

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 I must say that I always tried to help the whole family, because you were responsible to help the child. 

The only way was to help the family change their ways and learn that the children see all these problems at home. They do not know how to handle it in a good way. The reason was that the parents did not teach them. If I could get through to a parent, to change his or her way it would make a world of difference to the children. 

I was teaching in a mining community, these are hardworking people and some of them just drank to get a bit of rest and relax. The reason that some of the miners drank a lot, do not miss understand as it was about 2% of the community, is very clear as it is very deep and very hot and when they come up from underground they are dehydrated and thirsty. Some knew when to stop, but some did not.  

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That is why at some homes the parents drank a lot and did not look after their children the way they should. Some of these farther taught the mothers to drink with them as it was company for him after work. I always tried to get these people who did not know when to stop to their pastor or reverend and try and help them. 

If this was successful, you could immediately see the change in children that have been giving you so many problems. 

Then there were parents who helped me so often, as they were good people and they knew their God and they would jump in and even help with the people that I was trying to get on the right track. 

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So if it is at all possible, try to teach them to treat their children the way they expected their children to treat them.

If they understood, you might have changed a whole family and the ones who come after them as they will learn to be good examples to their whole family. 

For that reason you may be helping people who come from a bad background to turn the whole family into good people and we will make a better world.

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you are right.Parents and family do not know how to handle children good way.That is the problem

Very true agree with you thanks very much.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" One of the best quotes I love !

So do I if everyone did that life would be wonderful.

To give is one of the greatest rewards I can think of. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on giving.

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