Let's be the light of the world

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

Today, day 25, of several days of sharing reflect, has been a beautiful and enriching experience, thanks @gavvet and thank you @hanshotfirst for your contributions, and thanks to all who contributed and shared their views.

Matthew 5:16
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

After teaching about the "Beatitudes", Jesus told his disciples that if they live according to the order of the Kingdom of God, they will become light to the world and leave the earth .


Jesus also uses the figure of light to illustrate the effect believers will have if they follow the example of the Lord and live as God commands ...

Jesus explained clearly that light is good works. And when he speaks of "good works" he does not only refer to acts of charity and charity; rather, it refers to all good action that comes from obedience to God and the fulfillment of his commandments (Eph 2:10).
(Proverbs 4: 18-19) But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which grows until the day is perfect. The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what they stumble.
By doing things as God intended, we will bring light to a society that lives in the darkness of evil and corruption.

The true light comes from God. By living as God commands, our lives are transformed, and thus reflect the divine light, serving as an example to those around us.
Not everyone will accept that light. Some will reject it, so that its evil deeds will not be exposed (John 3: 19-21). But the light of good witness will come to those people who long for the good in their lives. They will see God through our good works, and they will believe in Him.

In many portions of the Bible, Jesus is qualified as The Light of the world: John 1: 9. 9That true light, which enlightens every man, came to this world. John 9: 5 5As long as I am in the world, I am light of the world.

But in this passage Christ affirms that we are the Light of the world, which confirms that the believer has the responsibility to reflect the light of Christ, just as the moon does not have its own light and therefore, only reflects the light of the Sun, in the same way, we should not strive to produce our own light, instead, we should make sure to reflect the light of Christ.
Being a light implies, in all circumstances, asking the question: What would Christ do if he were in my place? And to choose the behavior that Christ would adopt in such circumstance, to be light is to obey his word.

Let your light so shine before men. (Xenos) which is a translation from Greek to describe those from outside means: Stranger foreign, foreigner. In this case, we are light when our behavior is a good witness to our neighbors, family and friends to the extent that our example is a motivating factor so that people who do not know God, are open to the message of the gospel. This implies not being contentious, being patient, generous, kind etc. The result: doors will be opened to the gospel and God will be gloficated in the conversion to Christ of non-believers.

Let us glorify God by being like a light that is on high, always on, brandishing, enlightening, guiding people to God.


For more information on #lighttheworld, visit https://www.mormon.org/christmas/25-ways-25-days/day-25

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