"I was a stranger, and ye took me in." —Matthew 25:35 #Lighttheworld day 11

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

Hello, dear friends, today we are in the presence of, the magnificent and beautiful, as it is to live, on this day #Lighttheworld 11, we find a theme, which is true, because our Lord, has accepted us, with our defects and virtues, grateful first of all, for allowing us to be in the presence of so many people to whom we must show the best of each one of us, and our God is waiting for our hearts to be totally inclined towards him, but that will happen when the goodness in us is greater than nothing.

We must feel this word very much ours, and we self-evaluate our actions.

"He was a stranger, and you accepted me."

Matthew 25:35

But, do we act well with everyone?

Many times, we only treat our family circle correctly or our closest friends, no matter that someone else comes into our lives, and wants to join you, we simply do not give the benefit of treating it, and we turn a blind eye. It is not right, it only treats those we love, it is right to treat well and do good to those around us, because that is what our Lord wants, and if we do not act as our heavenly father commands, then, no, we are obeying the word.

We must act as our father did, with kindness to the whole world.

We must find a way to help a stranger, that makes us better people, and brings us closer to our creator.

Which one of your coworkers do you know the least?

It seems a lie, but many times we are surrounded by many people in our environment, and we do not appreciate those around us, only focused on the same faces, as if there were prejudices, but that we must change it.

At work, and everywhere, we must be kind and show generosity and affection towards others.

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In my work, they hired a new girl, everyone looked at her strangely, and almost nobody spoke to her, because she belongs to another department, which is the administration department and to which I belong, it is the construction, but I started talking with She, because I really do not have anything against her. It seems rude on my part, not to greet or pay attention, all belong to the same company, so how is she there, and not show some gesture of affection?, Indistinctly, it's work, new or old people, we must treat them well.

I mean with this, that regardless of the type of crago, the type of work, we should all be united, because God made us brothers, and that is clear to say, because he is our father.

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If we want to make a good gesture of kindness and generosity, how can we do it?

In my case, every day that I see her and I am close to her, I share, sweet and whatever she is eating, as long as it is tasty. It costs me nothing to share.

Even sometimes I have nothing left to eat, but I share it equally with everyone in the office.

We should be friendly with everyone, and if you think you can not because you do not know the person, that is not necessary, just give your best.

Since we have been created in the image of God, we have the ability to be kind (Genesis 1:27). That means we can imitate him and show kindness beyond our family circle. The Bible indicates that this quality is part of the fruit that produces the holy spirit of God, its active force (Galatians 5:22). So the more we know the Creator and the closer we get to him, the greater our goodness will be.

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Has a stranger ever done something nice for you?

Certainly, God never abandons us, because one day I had to go to the center to get money, but like in my country, the situation is very complicated, I could not withdraw money from the cashiers, I walked with my pockets empty.

But I did not worry and decided to go home and wait until the next day to return to the center to withdraw the cash.

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As I did not have the money to pay for the passage in a car, I decided to walk, and from the center to my house it is very far, but in the company of my beloved father I was not afraid of anything, I walked with confidence.

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Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, they play the horn of a car, and it was a gentleman, whom formally, I gave him a long time ago his house, and he said: daughter, where are you going? I answered my house and he said: get in the car, I will take you.

God is in our walk, and never abandons us.

"Do not worry about anything; rather, on every occasion, with prayer and petition, present your requests to God and give thanks. "- Philippians 4: 6

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I almost never see the man of that day, in which I did not have the means to pay for a car, but I would really like to have a gift with him, because his heart was touched by God, so, I was able to get home with good.

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Want to help refugees in your area?

Welcoming people who need it, it will always be a pleasure. To see sad hearts that rejoice with a great gesture of generosity is a wonderful gift.

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In my country, the situation is not good, and I would really like to help all those who need it.

I have seen, like many people of great power, that they have great houses that only occupy one, if God touched their hearts and made them generous, to give a good gift to someone, a home to live, that would be the most wonderful thing seen by my eyes

If you propose it here, in my country, maybe you see it as crazy, because the real situation is critical, but that does not mean that there are not people with the ways to help the most needy.

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Invite them to know God, give them the peace they need and be their support at all times.

You will find wonderful people who can help, with a plate of food, with a word of encouragement, with a message that goes directly to their hearts.

Refugees will feel that, even though they are going through a bad time today, our lord and the faithful will never abandon them.

Many times they are proofs from our Lord.

If you want to be kind, touch your heart and get close to God.

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