"Blessed are the merciful." — Matthew 5:7

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

I, you and all those who wish to serve your neighbor with your heart, will see the glory of our Lord.

Feeling full of gratitude for life and being able to share with others is something that comes from the heart, no one can force us to be generous, but never forget that our Lord is the one who observes our steps on earth.

Psalm 41: 1-4
Blessed is he who thinks of the poor; In the day of evil the LORD will deliver him.

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Know a family struggling to make ends meet?

Find a way to make their Christmas special.

For this occasion of #LightTheWorld, day 15, the word of our Lord Jesus is present to make us understand that being generous is what fills our being.

First let's pray

God hears our prayers, we should not only tell him to help us, but also those who are in a difficult situation, we can help with prayer and with our own acts.

Our Lord puts the tools, so that we can serve those who do not have help, I say something: go hungry, have no roof to live on, have no money to buy medicine, and many other things that on earth become complicated .

We can enter into communion with God to listen to him and respect what he wants us to do.

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A special Christmas for families?

Not only in my country there is a need, there are places where many people need some kind of help.

Those who cling to our Lord, are those who know the truth.

God speaks in the scriptures, we must be obedient.

Friends, for many it is difficult to get rid of their things, but do not you think that by helping others, you are richer?

I grew up in a very humble place, far from the city, and my greatest desire is to help those most in need, although I must say that now the situation is critical. When they make a call to say hello, they tell me that there is no food, that there is no money to buy, and also that what is happening is that they can not leave the town and look for food, nor do I or many like me, since there is no money in the banks to mobilize.
There is not a single family in the village, who does not need to take the daily bread to the table, find food and be able to "survive" is impossible, as they say when I talk to them on the phone My daughter, trying to survive, we are
So, friends, I would like to get a lot of money to bring food in large quantities to all the people in the area, stand in the town square and distribute it, so that no one runs out of food.
Christmas in my country is not truly happy this year, we are going through a very difficult year and every day is worse, nothing is economic and that is why I say that I want to have enough money regardless of the cost of the items, make happy people, to be able to take a gift of God's love, and with their purpose in me that no home will be left without food at the table this Christmas or the days to come.

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Fill the heart with joy of many people

My people have not lost faith, and we must help those who need it, it is not fair to eat quietly at home, while others do not have a plate of food on the table.

And God can make all grace abound to you, so that always, in all circumstances, have all that is necessary, and all good works abound in you.
2 Corinthians 9: 8

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