"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." — Matthew 7:12

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

The reciprocal action would be a pleasant gesture for anyone, most people do not think in the same way. Sit down for a moment and think about the many things that fill your heart if you help someone special, and that someone, return that support in the same way, unconditionally.

It's easy to say: I can help, but often what is said is not true.

What we say with our mouth, we undo it with our feet, and that is because we do not fulfill what we say.

Evaluate what you say and do, and always ask our Lord to give you wisdom and make you a good man.

Hebrews 13:16

And do not forget to do good and of mutual help, because of such sacrifices God is pleased.

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What’s something that could really brighten your day?

Do that for someone else.

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Helping is not difficult, people get complicated, God helps us every day and gives us his hand, all he wants is for us to help others who need even more help than we do.
Our Lord, all you want is that, as my mother says:
That we do good things, be good, and not bad things that look good.
Help without asking anything in return, that when we are in a difficult time, we can also receive unconditional support, as we have provided at some time.

You can show kindness toward others

A friend, a brother, an acquaintance, no, it's just for partying, among many other things that can be done.

It is clear that we have a lot of fun, but we have had a place to think, what would happen, if that person with whom you have fun, really needs you in another aspect, how to help him overcome a difficulty?

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In my case, I must always accompany, help, be helpful, because I know that these are the things that please God, and that for my own good I behave well with other people.

When someone goes through a difficulty, I am always there. Thank God.

And I ask myself this question: can I receive the same support?

These days for me have been, really strong, and there are very few people who call to ask how I continue, however, I put my faith in God, and I hope that those who claim to be my friends, manifest themselves, at least to know the state Health.

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Accompany in a hospital

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To be there for someone is to be a good companion, a good friend, an excellent person, your acts are those that please the Lord.

I have been, this week from doctor to doctor, and I share it with you, because through distance, you can pray for me, for my quick recovery.

All operations are delicate, however minimal it seems. Therefore, if you have a friend who needs help to accompany you to a hospital, do not hesitate, there are times when you need more company.

A beautiful act

Be there for those who need it. You do not know when you will need someone to hold your hand, in the same way.

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Prosperous and blessed day for you.

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