We must not only walk in the divine light, but also practice the divine truth.

in #light6 years ago

1 John 1:6 “If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in the darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth.”

To lie is of Satan. He is the father of liars (John 8:44). His nature is a lie, and it brings in death and darkness. With darkness is falsehood, the opposite of the truth. The satanic darkness is versus the divine light, and the satanic lie is versus the divine truth. As the divine truth is the expression of the divine light, so the satanic lie is the expression of the satanic darkness. If we say that we have fellowship with God, who is light, and walk in the darkness, we lie, we are in the expression of the satanic darkness, and we do not practice the truth in the expression of the divine light.

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Praise the Lord! ^u^

Keep on Steemin'!


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