How To Be Positive And Feel Happier On a Daily Basis

in #lifetips7 years ago


Approaching your life with positivity makes a profound difference to how peaceful and happy you are.

Not only that, but life actually unfolds with more ease and flow when we bring a positive attitude. Other people and life respond to our positivity.

While many people know this, it’s one thing to know the power of being positive, and it’s another thing to actually be it and do it.

That’s because daily life can be A LOT to handle at times. As much as life is filled with awesome experiences, possibilities, opportunities and adventure, it’s also busy, noisy, demanding and challenging. So it’s certainly not easy to always be positive.

And while it may not be easy, it is entirely possible, and well worth the effort.

Like anything in life, how to be positive all the time takes practise.

Positive people are usually positive because of two very specific things. They didn’t get that way by mistake…

They’ve CHOSEN to be positive, because it feels better than dropping into negativity
They’ve consciously PRACTISED being positive, in order to build that capability
It’s not that you’re born a positive or negative person. And it’s not that some people are more capable of being positive than others. In fact, it’s not even your life situation, skills, talents, resources, challenges or blessings that make it easier or more difficult to be positive. Though on the surface it may look that way.

Being positive is entirely a choice, and a practise. And you only need two things in order to succeed at being positive in your life, and therefore to feel more peaceful and happy…

-Free will
-The great news is – every single person alive is wired with these two things. Meaning you are perfectly placed right now to be -positive and reap the benefits of it!

As long as you are aware of yourself, you can begin to notice when you’re thinking negatively, feeling uneasy or behaving in ways that don’t work for you. Then, from that awareness, you can exercise your free will to CHOOSE to change your thinking, to interrupt your feeling state and to behave in ways that do work for you.

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