How to cure the earache quickly?

in #lifetime6 years ago


We all remember those days when we were little ones in which, if they had left us, we would have ripped out our ears. But, although this type of pain is more common in babies and children, there are also adults who suffer from the painful earache.

This pain occurs in different ways and for various reasons: infections, wax in the ears, tonsillitis and bruxism. Now, the reason for so much pain is, at times, difficult to determine. But, no matter how difficult it is, this step is essential to successfully treat pain. For this reason, it is essential that you go to a professional.

  • What is the best home remedy?

As we anticipated, everything depends on the type of earache and its cause. If this is the product of an infection, home remedies can be very useful in dealing with pain.

  • Thermal bags

An easy and simple option to relieve the earache is the same one that we use when we suffer pain due to a blow: a thermal bag with ice or with hot water. The bag is placed over the ear to reduce the affliction.

  • Drops of oil

There is no scientific proof that a few drops of oil can cure or relieve earache, but applying a few drops of olive oil to the ear is safe and could result.

  • Essential oils

Essential oils contain oil-based herbal extracts that could be even more effective than olive oil on its own.

  • Chiropractic treatment

Just as the chiropractor cures your back pain, it can also help you overcome your earache. One study showed that 93% of people felt an improvement after some chiropractic sessions.

  • Other alternatives

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that analgesics such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may also be a good alternative to relieve pain.

In most cases, the symptoms often improve after a couple of days and most infections disappear in 1 or 2 weeks.

It is important to keep in mind that home remedies are effective in relieving pain, but not to cure the infection; they do not act on antibiotics. In some cases the use of antibiotics is not necessary, but in others, everything depends on the diagnosis. So do not forget to consult your doctor!


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