Life and Happiness: Are You DOING the Things You Know You Should Be Doing?

in #lifethats7 years ago

We can spend a lot of time figuring out "what to do" in #life.That's great, but the REAL challenge is actually DOING those things that make us happy. Inner voices and obligations get in the way. Are YOU doing the things that make you happy?


Very good post

I’ll be the first one to admit happiness often takes the backseat in my life. Just not how my brain is wired to evaluate things. I can grow to have great respect and understanding of something over time. I can even take some enjoyment or pride in things I do.

I tend to work out how to fix/resolve things in my life that make me miserable. There is just this strange state of between misery and happiness that I often end up in.

Happiness is really one of those rather nebulous terms... we think we know what it means, but ultimately it's its own thing to each person. Like "nice." Or "having fun." What do those things mean? Probably not the same to you, as to me, as to someone else.

Happiness. for me, is often the side effect of something "well done." Or the satisfaction of completing a challenge. It's a variable.

For me to have happiness from doing something to the point of it being “well done” would have to be a mountain-sized thing. I need that prolonged struggled just to have felt about it. Something that took a couple of days about and was easy I tend not to get much out of out of it. If it was difficult and took: week, months, years, and now we are speaking the kind of time frame.

I’ve had one blog I think I sunk 40-50 hours somehow into it. It did horrible reward wise but I didn’t care about that aspect of things. I enjoyed some happiness to having created it.

Must be the old gamer in me. Where the raid guiding I was in was server first a lot. We spend a week(s) to work out just a single fight sometimes. We wasted 6 hours a night 5 days a week bashing our heads on the all till we work it all out. Then it goes down and the harder and longer it took for us to get it the louder the screams of joy wherein Ventrilo. I know that is a rather silly thing to gain great happiness from.

It is rather odd how many times I see other people happy over the little things. Or I will do something to the point they feel I should be proud and happy about it. Most of the time in person I’ll just fake the reaction they are looking to get. They will never know it really was not much to me in any capacity. It had to be done, I got it done, and I moved on without a second thought.

In order to be able to do what makes us happy we need to be able to let go, relax, and feel the present moment. That sometimes works for me, with "sometimes" being the key word. : )

"Sometimes," indeed. It can take quite a while (and some conscious efforts!) to burn through those old habits. They often talk about how the "familiar devil" can be more alluring than the unknown potential for something awesome.

I always was a dreamer, but I always was a practical person too which means I was always moving around and doing things according to my dreams. But happiness... I am not sure. Except from my work (the process in itself makes me happy) the things that make me happy comes to me without me doing anything. Like love. And it is also the things that can make me sad.

And that's important, too. Like that bumper sticker I occasionally see: "The best things in life are... not THINGS." They are intangibles, like love. Writing makes me happy... so I "make time" for it, every day... whether I get up being rewarded, or not.

I used to be a programmer and that made me happy. Then eventually through the years I realized that in my country programmers are under appreciated. Programming still makes me happy but only for personal hobby projects, and not for anyone else. Now I'm on a job related to IT but that doesn't involve programming, although I continue to do so for my own gain, i.e., to save time in my daily chores. Know I'm writing on Steemit and that bring me a lot of joy. There could be a lot of other thinks that could make me happy but not all of them are really possible.

Sometimes, indeed, it is not possible to do what makes you happy. But at least having the awareness of what makes you happy can get your started in the right direction.

Mostly, I am still waiting on the cash to fly to Dubai in one of those crazy first class seats and race supercars in the desert. Someday I'll get there though.

Well, I hope you make it there, someday! Those 1st class cabins look pretty outrageous.

Once STEEM hits $10,000 ...

Great image! Now I am better than in my youth :)

That is so true. We also need to pick something we love and focus on it relentlessly.

Focus is very important, yes... and it is much easier to focus on what we love than something meaningless.

Exactly right.. Beautiful wording.. Common ppl dont do what they want.. They neva try to hear their internal voice..

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