in #lifestyle4 years ago



I am YANNICK... @yann0975...

Some of you already know me because on our STEEM platform since July 2018.

I am co-founder of @cleanplanet but with the global pandemic due to covid-19 I am less present for my Planet and I am focused for Your Health.

I am a community nurse by profession, 45 years old this year, I live in Auvergne, FRANCE.

The pandemic that is hitting the whole Earth at the moment is quite worrying.

It must be faced.

Concerning but not alarming

Yes it appears every day in the media a significant number of victims attributed to the Coronavirus alone.

This is not quite the case ... all these dead people, weakened by known or unknown co-morbidities, are labeled as such ...

But cardiac pathologies, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity are all aggravating and morbid factors coupled with the virus which, according to the media, is destroying the planet.

Of all the people affected, 98% will not die.

It is the responsibility of all of us ... not to be part of the infected people (and therefore not of the 98%).

You now know the barrier gestures to the transmission and spread of this covid-19 virus...


Yes, it's the best way not to get contaminated... and thus contaminate.

Stop going out and passing people or objects on which others might have coughed or spattered.

Stop touching....

A day on the covid-19 front in town

I come by this document, to tell you about my day as a caretaker... facing an unprecedented health situation in an urban environment.

I work in the city.

I can't protect myself effectively against the virus and I have to assume my role as a carer no matter what it costs me... because that's the job I've chosen.

And that's where I come back to the title ... more than a calling ... a devotion.

Not alarmist... Not defeatist but proud to be at the forefront of the fight for Public Health.

I'm rather galvanized by the stakes being so high and risky.

I'm a healer...

  • 5:30 am, the alarm clock goes off.

Weary from the day before, I'm already having trouble getting out of sleep.

"Let's go for one more marathon day" ... I just said that to my wife ....

You have to mobilize yourself and get up. Gather your physical and psychological strength...

  • One coffee... then two... jam sandwiches... I'm not hungry... this situation is strange and gnaws at thoughts.

You have to eat though. Swallow something to last until 2:00 pm. I know in advance that I won't have access to my mouth until 1:30 or so.

This mask... so precious... to be left in place.

  • Coffee taken ... the race begins ...

The forces are gathered and the machine must be started.

A shower... get ready quickly...

Already thinking about the work ahead...

Getting dressed... and thinking that whatever the weather outside... I won't change my clothes once I'm outside.

  • Anything that touches outside will stay outside.

Shoes are for work, they don't fit in the house anymore.

Clothes will be left in the garage and worn directly in the washing machine (60°)

The enemy is there... waiting for me to take him with me.

He's everywhere... On a handful... on a patient's hands that I have to touch to treat him... maybe already in my car... all over the public domain.

Washing your hands until they hurt... what an image!

  • The day begins, I go outside.

No one. There's no one around.

It's containment.

Here in CLERMONT FERRAND, confinement is well respected.

The Healthcare Professional that I am is very grateful for the awareness and responsibility of each and every one of my fellow citizens... a great step forward against this COVID-19

To be continued...


Ps: Feel free to share your feelings on the subject with me, also has my style of writing that reflects what I do.

It's not easy to be an actor in the field and at the same time be present on the platform... I try.

See you soon.

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