Co-operation works better on STEEM

in #lifestyle2 months ago (edited)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Defining who an activist is might be pretty easy to say but, understanding the changes they bring to the community can be pretty much controversial.

An activist is someone who believes he/she can bring a change in a particular sector.

It could be the religious, political, social or gender based activist and many others.

Notable activist whose actions had had impacts and been recorded in history includes; Nelson mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Rosa Parks and Jatin Das and many others.

Interestingly, I have read much about the public figures I listed above due to a certain research I am making. I would talk about it in another post, not this one.

Activists are basically advocates for change, advocates of injustice, corruption, prejudice, equity, discrimination, equality amongst others.

They may perform this through non violent protests, demonstrations, rallies, petitions or other actions that exude their interests and that of those they are advocating for.

Many of them go out of their way just to see that peace and justice is being meted out and in the process what?

Some of their motions do not see the light of the day, many of them suffer severe hard and rash conditions.

Yet, many of them die in the process like in the case of Jatin das who instigated the hunger strike in india and died after the 62nd day on the 13th of October, 1929 in Lahore jail during the Indian independence movement.

There are still many activist around us today, some may not be going through some cruel jail term, but they may be facing some serious attacks emotionally, physically, at work places or online.

This experiences are in no way pleasant and you’d probably hate seeing someone go through that.

But what if you are in a subtle way also attacking these people who believe they can change something that is amiss, or what if you are just fanning the flames of attack on them or perhaps breeding potential attacks on these ones.

It could be hard to accept when you are doing either one or more of those things, so instead of denial you could do some self evaluation, ask yourself... how many times do I support the course of an activist or is it only when it concerns me?

How many times do I brush out the idea that an activist or potential activist could succeed on his/her mission or perhaps how many times do you try to stop or block those who try to err voices here on Steemit(positive ones, I mean. Not voices that could create fight).

Irritable comments, unsubstantial arguments, unnecessary alerts about the actions of someone who is trying to lend a voice whether an activist or not, is an attack and in my judgement, its unhealthy for our growth as steemians as such, it should stop.

The impact of activism includes policy change, Social awareness, community empowerment, cultural shifts, solidarity and social coercion and many others.

All these which can only be achieved with a combined support without egotism, biased judgements, sentiments or attacks.

I am not an activist but I am a person who stands for doing what the right thing is. I know of some who are in this category too here in the blog.

However, I have a strong respect for community builders and activist.

And if we must grow in this space whether online or in person, attack is never the way forward especially to people trying to make a change.

We don’t necessarily need to be an activist on STEEM to create a change, we can make the change together with some great and positive minds through cooperation, love and unity. Isn't this possible on Steem? What's your say on this?

Vote for @ pennsif.witness
Vote for @ moecki

Sometimes it's not easy to distinguish between activism and actionism... In addition, the boundaries between acceptable and purposeful and unacceptable and pointless are shifting - at least in my perception in recent years.

I feel more comfortable using the term civil courage. It also implies civilisation, civilised behaviour, etc...

Sometimes it's not easy to distinguish between activism and actionism... In addition, the boundaries between acceptable and purposeful and unacceptable and pointless are shifting - at least in my perception in recent years.

While I agree with this..

Civil courage isn't bad. Sounds like I just heard it for the first time to be honest.

Pointed out shortly:

The strength of character associated with the ability to show moral (civil)courage is demonstrated in practice by the fact that the courageous person must be prepared to suffer personal disadvantages and make painful sacrifices if necessary in order to do so. The courageous person represents the enforcement of social values and norms that are important to them for their own life, for the well-being of others or for the general public. This can include, for example, taking a courageous stand against a popular but not generally shared opinion, standing up for the rights of a weaker person or defending ethical demands. The rebellion against state arbitrariness, which can have serious consequences for the individual, the willingness to demand one's legitimate rights in the family or professional environment, the strength to defend oneself against impositions and to offer resistance, to actively stand up for a cause that is perceived as just, is also generally categorised under this term.

Siegbert A. Warwitz: "The search for meaning in risk." Life in growing struggles. Explanatory models for border-crossing behaviour.

This is so elaborate! Thank you for sharing that educative piece.

I won't be wrong if I call such person a hero by the way...🤷‍♂️

I won't be wrong if I call such person a hero by the way...

Strongly agree!

It's so easy to be dismissive of voices fighting for change, especially if we feel their particular cause doesn't directly impact us. But cultivating a spirit of allyship, empathy and solidarity is crucial. We should be lifting each other up, not tearing down those with the courage to speak up. When we pool our "great and positive minds" together, put egos aside, and work WITH each other instead of against, that's when real change can happen. A thought-provoking post!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

The aim of this post was to share something in that line, perhaps, there could be some positive changes/contributions among users.


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