How Does Negativity Affect Your Life? And How To Become More Positive???

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Say no to negativity.png

How often do you get angry? How often do you think negative thoughts?

It's in our brains since the beginning... We get angry because of specific actions or events. For example, you order a triple cheese pizza (with extra cheese), it's been 2 hours and your delicious pizza hasn't arrived yet.

Well, if you're a perfectly normal human being, you would most definitely turn into a rage machine, flip all the tables in your house, destroy all the furniture and by the end of it all, set your house on fire.

That's absolutely normal, right? Of course it is! Everyone does it.

But, although it happens naturally and and it's wired into our brains since we were born, it's not very healthy for us.

And I wasn't even talking about all the damage you've done to the house by setting it on fire! How the hell are you going to pay for the pizza? You left your wallet inside your house...

Ehh, it's too late now, you'll have to live without any pizza... I know it's hard, but please don't set anymore houses on fire, okay?

How Negativity Affects Us

I'm pretty sure that at least once in your lifetime you met a person that is always negative and being around him kinda makes you negative as well (maybe YOU are the person? Haha, hopefully not).

They are always bragging about something, always wishing negative things to every person around them, and they never seem to be happy...

Well, looking at such people you might tell yourself "woah, it makes me realize how positive I am!"...

But in reality, while you might not be the person who is always bitching and bragging about everything, most of us are slowly destroying ourselves with negative thoughts and behaviours.

It's the thoughts where you tell yourself "Everything will go wrong", "I'm can't do this", "I'm very bad at this", "life sucks and I'm miserable", and I could go on and on...

Okay, one more of these, but that's it! "Life is horrible when I'm not eating triple cheese pizzas with extra cheese" (that's the most common one).

Or the times where something happens and you react with anger in the heat of the moment.

For example, when you're finally carrying that pizza in your hands and BOOK, suddenly everything changes... Your hands turn into rubber and your pizza is laying on the ground.

The reaction would most certainly be anger... If I was next to you at that moment, I'd probably hear some new vocabulary from your mouth that I've never heard before.

But in the end, all this anger and all those negative thoughts are putting stress and worries on your mind and body.

Stress is actually the root to most health problems. Also, negativity attracts more negativity into your life.

If you're constantly negative and angry, you're only bringing more negative situations and people into your life. You basically can't live a happy and healthy life like this.

You Can Control Anger And Negativity

All of that negativity can happen automatically and you might not even be aware of it. But, if you start observing yourself and become aware, you can begin making conscious decisions to choose peace over anger in most situations.

For example (no more pizza examples, sorry!), when you're furiously opening a door and you slam it into your little toe, instead of screaming out all those negative words, you can choose to remain calm and stay positive.

Of course, it's not something that you can switch from that easily. But the more you try to stay aware of your emotions, the easier it will be to take control of them.

Erasing negativity from your life is not an easy task to do, but there are quite a few ways you can become more positive!


Stop Worrying About What's Going To Happen!

Most people are always afraid what the future will bring to them. "What, if run out of money?", "What if my relationship won't last?", "What if all cryptos go down to 0$?".

I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about the future, I'm saying don't worry about it that much.

If it hadn't happened yet, why worry about it? By worrying about something, you're only increasing the chances of that to actually happen.

And in the end, it brings a lot of negativity into your life. My favorite thing to do when I think about the future, is "positive worrying".

What is that? Well, instead of worrying on all the bad things that could happen, I worry about all the good things!

For example, "what if a pizza will fall from the sky and land right into my arms?" "what if I go out with my friends and I will have a lot of fun?", "what if someone will give me a great career opportunity?".

By "worrying" like that, you're erasing the negative part about your future and it makes your present more positive!

Also, people tend to think way too much about their future.

You should be focusing on your present moment. Life is happening right now. If you only think about what happened or what could happen, nothing good will really happen, because you're not in the present moment.

The present is the reality. Past and future are only concepts. They don't exist. So stay in the present moment, be immersed into it and enjoy the pizza on your plate, because soon it won't exist anymore!

Try To Find The Positive Side Of Everything

We always tend to look into the negative sides of everything first.

Let's bring back one of our examples. You dropped a pizza on the ground, because your hands turned into rubber, immediately you will think negative thoughts.

But how about looking at the positive side? You just dropped food that is not very healthy for your body. Maybe you're already a bit overweight, so that's the perfect sign that you shouldn't eat the pizza!

Or if you get fired from your job, look at it like an opening to new opportunities in your life. Don't feel sad and miserable about it. Be happy because new experiences will come into your life!

If you always try to focus on the negatives, you will always find the negative sides in everything.

So, take a chill pill and be more positive, alright?


How Do You Treat Others?

You should always try to treat others the same way you want them to treat you.

If you're an asshole to everyone around you, don't expect everyone to bring positivity into your life (and pizzas).

By being nice and helpful to people, you'll get the same treatment from everyone.

Of course, no matter how positive you are to people, there will always be those assholes who never treat you the way you treat them.

You just gotta learn to ignore such people. Don't think about them at all. And whenever a possibility comes, treat them with kindness to feel good about yourself!

Nature Is Full Of Positive Energy

If you often feel stressed and worried, just go out, take a walk in the park or a forest.

Nature is the best place to be if you want to attract some positive energy into your life.

I often do this, and it really makes me feel calm and relaxed. I forget all the worries and I start thinking more positively, because I always have a wonderful time when I'm in nature.

Hey, you can even bring your dear friend Pizza to explore nature together. I'm pretty sure Pizza will be very happy if you take her out.

She will also be really happy when you're putting her into your mouth! Ahh, that just sounds wrong...


Try Meditating

The ultimate stress reliever, The Destroyer of worries, the attractor of positive energy, the enhancer of life - MEDITATION.

Meditation is one of the greatest habits you can develop. Yes it's hard to shut your mind off, but that's not the main point.

All you gotta do is take your mind off of all the daily stresses and worries. To feel positive inside and eliminate the negativity that's flying around in your mind.

I meditate twice every day and I feel fantastic. I'm always calm and relaxed, always happy and living at the present moment.

This habit truly attracts a lot of positive energy into your life!

So, try to sit on the floor and do nothing for a while. 5-10 minutes of meditation is enough to feel relaxed and calm.

Just do it every morning when you wake up or before you go to sleep.

You don't have to meditate for countless of hours to feel any benefits. Any amount of time meditating is better than 0 minutes of meditation!


So, if you don't want negativity to affect your life in a... negative way... Then start thinking and acting more positively in your daily life.

Start eliminating negative thoughts from your head and change them with positive thoughts.

It's very important to start your day with a positive mindset. The way you start your day impacts the rest of your day.

When I wake up, I like to tell myself at least 10 things that I love. This starts my day with positive thoughts and the rest of the day will be more positive as well!

And those things that you love don't have to be something big. Here's just a few examples from me: I love my pillow, I love my bed, I love the weather, I love my life, I love my house, I love my pizza, I love my clothes, I love my money, I love my family, I love steemit, I love pizza.

Just try feeling gratitude for all the things that you have and tell yourself how much you love having all those things. You'll see how positive your morning will be....

Go ahead and bring that positive energy into your life!


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i am just content. Things are looking up as long as the people close to us stick together!

I loved this post!! Thank you, I find meditation is a wonderful tool!

Great post you have here! I, myself too is a negative thinker. I always think about all the what ifs in life, in every single situation - I always assume that what’s gonna happen is the worst case scenario. I’ve been reading Paulo Coelho books, it really gives new insights on how you see things. :) this post helps too :) good job!

nice post you have here
you are really doing a great job

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