Analyze and Change Your Lifestyle into A Healthier One

in #lifestyle2 years ago

If you are living your life without any clue about your work routine and its
effects on your health and fitness then, this chapter is definitely for you.


Lack of physical activity
Control your weight with little extra movement
Check your eating habits

Have A Look
In modern times, life is very tough and competitive. You have to work hard,
in order to stay in this society and in this hectic work routine, you often
forget to take care of yourself. I have seen people who work for more than
12-15 hours a day and still they feel unsatisfied with their work. In this kind
of life style, there are so many glitches which you can fix to optimize your

These glitches are also not very hard to find and with very little attention,
you can get them and repair them easily. You must have heard this too
often that you should live a healthy life style but have you ever thought
what actually a healthy life style is. Is it just about not smoking, doing
exercise and keeping your weight under control? This formula sounds
simple but believe it or not, it takes some time and hard work to be
implemented in real life.

If you do not exercise, and your eating habits are also unstable then, it will
take very small steps to bring you on track. You just need to make some
very slight adjustments in your daily life style and these adjustments will
make your life healthier and fit.

Lack of Physical Activity
Biggest drawback of modern office life is lack of physical activity. You have
to sit in your chair throughout the day and after a tiring day in office, you go
to your home and after taking your dinner you cannot even walk and go to

sleep. This is very dull and unhealthy routine but you can make it little
more energetic for you and that will also not get too much attention or time
from you. You can just get up 20-30 minutes early than you do now and go
out for a short walk.

Even if you think that is not possible for you then, you can just take bus to
your office instead of your car. This will add some walk in your routine.
This much movement and activity can be so much advantageous for you
that it can save you from lots of heart diseases as well it will improve your
respiration and will make you feel your weight. Your joint stability will get
improve and you will be flexible enough according to your age. It will also
help you in reducing anxiety and depression and will improve your mood
and you will be able to work with more concentration. Smaller movement
schemes like gardening on weekends, daily walk and similar other activities
can also help you to control your weight.

Control Your Weight with Little Extra Movement

There are some very simple and basic things which you can do to make your
life more active and to increase your physical activities. It is not necessary
that you pay heavy gym fees to exercise and to do proper weight loss
instead if your weight is not alarmingly high and you just want to control it
then, you can do it by adding some simple thing like you can go out for a
walk daily with your family instead of just sitting on the couch and
watching TV. No matter that walk is to your local grocery store but it will be
lot more active task than just sitting on the couch. Walk is a very important

Check Your Eating Habits

Eating is another thing which can impact a lot on your daily life and
especially on your weight management. A healthy diet plan can always keep
your weight in check and if you are eating without any certain plan then, it
will create chaos for your body and will ultimately increase or decrease your
weight alarmingly. You need to know that how many calories you are
consuming every day. There are lots of different calories meters available
which can tell you the exact amount of calories in your daily diet. Following

are some of the general trends which you can follow to make your diet plan

First of all, you need to add more fruit in your diet. Fruit is the healthiest
natural diet which you can get and almost every fruit is enriched with
different vitamins and these vitamins are available in their purest form in
these fruits.

These days, people are very afraid of vegetables and they do not like to add
vegetables in their diet because vegetables are not very spicy but you should
not be a victim of this trend as it is a very unhealthy trend and you need to
add good amount of vegetables in your diet.


Even if you do not like to take vegetables in their traditional form then, add
them in some snacks and eat them every now and them with lunch or
dinner. You should also try and add a salad with your dinner and lunch.
This is a very healthy habit which can make you to cut your appetite and
you will be eating healthier food. Cut the use of fat and try to use some fat
free dairy. Try to avoid junk and fast food as much as you can because it is
very unhealthy food with full of unhealthy fats.

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