
Thank you, definitely going to look into it!

That was a very moving, beautiful and inspiring video, and I agree although it is very 'unfashionable' nowadays to believe in god and Jesus Christ once you lay your life in his hands things will turn for you and you can't help changing for the better. Peace and Love!

I kinda disagree with your VERY last statement...😏

I think it IS YOU! You simply needed the support of God. YOU still chose to follow what you are following. Sure, HE may be helping, but ONLY because YOU took the first step. Like you said, you had 3 very good reasons to walk out, but YOU chose not too. That's pretty awesome. "God helps those who help themselves." Sometimes that help starts just with a teensy bit of faith. 🕇

The first half of this had me all teary-eyed. But I'm glad of the outcome.

Keep asking. Keep listening, because you're right: GOD CARES.

Hugs! 😍

Thanks for checking it out. Some people do get teary eyed...

All I know is that I couldn't have done it by myself, and this life that I am currently living is not my idea, it's His. True, I had to choose to follow, but He is the one leading for sure!
winking emoji face

None of us can do it ourselves. It's pretty magical when we realize we have help. 😍

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