Keeping a Gratitude Journal

in #lifestyle4 years ago

Doing so will help you keep a gratitude journal. Why, you ask?

Because a gratitude journal makes it easy to write down the thoughts that are a part of your day. For example, let's say that you have a particularly bad day and are angry at God for causing it. But if you could jot down what that day was like, it would make it much easier to get past that anger.

Writing things down is important when you keep a gratitude journal. You need to write down how you feel every single day. For instance, you might write, "I'm feeling tired and not very active." When you keep a gratitude journal, you might say, "Today I felt extremely tired and my energy level was low, but I felt very positive."

If you jot down special feelings you have in life, they will be there when you need them. When you keep a gratitude journal, it is important to write everything down. For instance, if you had the biggest headache of your life yesterday, you might write, "Every morning when I wake up I feel extremely weak."

This way, when you do have a special feeling, you can be reminded of that feeling every morning, and it will go away. There is nothing wrong with a gratitude journal if you find it useful. Just be sure that you don't write about something negative.

Of course, when you keep a journal, it should be a one-page report, but it can be longer. You just need to make sure that it reflects your mood on a daily basis. It doesn't matter whether or not you keep it for a year or two. Just make sure that you take note of your feelings and how you feel at any given time. Even if you don't feel very grateful right now, you can put down in writing what you are grateful for in your day. For instance, "Today I am grateful for my kids and grandkids." This way, you can always say, "Today I feel grateful because I see my kids and grandkids and the house looks beautiful."

Keep a gratitude journal by writing things down. Even if you don't feel grateful, you can say what you are grateful for, or even more useful, what you want to happen in your life.

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