More than Best Friends they are my Independance!

in #lifestyle7 years ago


Service Dogs are not a piece on property they are a tool for someone like myself to work and live alone independently. I received a Traumatic Brain Injury at 17 from a gymnastics injury. Back in those days smelling salt and back on the bar.

Within months my life started falling apart. My hands didn't seem to work well with what my brain was trying to ask it to do. My parents were in denial so finally after several test it showed the TBI cause Absent Seizures. It was a bit of a struggle my memory wasn't the same and loosing time started seeming more and more like a regular thing.

As years went by my body changed just like anyone else so you would think. My body registered two more types of seizures. Now the test show epileptic type seizure, absent seizure and my pseudo seizures.

After I found myself living alone the doctor was getting worried about how many more falls and injuries were starting to occur. I lost count how many times I had past out finding myself with EMTs and a pool of blood from having a seizure and being near a counter.

He suggested two things....

  1. MEDICAL MARIJUANA . Well, by this point I had had so many seizures we were beginning to wonder if I would be permanently in a nursing home at 38 years old.

  2. Service Dog!

At the time I was already breeding and training for the soldiers and donating all of my puppies to soldiers with medical issues.

It had come down to the time I truly didn't not embraced at 38.

I did just as he said to do. I got my red card and I picked a baby out of the brand new litter I just had. I put 6500 in training . Precious is a Border Collie Blue healer and one smart pup. At first it seemed like a daunting task of all these changes.

I didn't realize how my life just changed!

At first it was trying. But these girls have saved me so many times. During Precious' training I seized while in the shower. She jumped right into the shower letting me brake two ribs instead of hitting my head.

These girls are my independence more than anyone could realize. These girls and I even smoke my medication together. Ware aren't just best friends or a dog and a patient working together. She meets up with you like a horse would. She is trained like I trained my horses. It sure gave her a true personality.

These two girls allow me to keep working and not stop and get disability. They are my rock, my angels, and my saviors.

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