in #lifestyle5 years ago


Please allow me to shake some tables this lovely friday morning.. This post is long overdue..

If you want to know the truth, then read on.

Not everywhere in the online space is meant for your product or what you offer.
Stop following the bandwagon of people that jump into this space throwing out "Come and buy" or " Call this number for more" if you're yet to understand the audience you're selling to.

Majority of the organic (your contacts/ friends) audience you have on social media aren't immediate buyers.. They are either here to interact, window shop or while away time to get one info or the other.
STOP expecting them to patronize you instantly.
You have to take a pause, restrategize and figure out where the right people gather, then go there and sell to them.

If you want to build your brand in pictures and easily mingle with celebrities, INSTAGRAM is your place.
You want to build a community of dedicated followers with great text content, FACEBOOK is your home.
You want to give and also get first-hand info,news and trends, TWITTER is calling you.
If run a unique service-based business like Interior Decoration, Architecture, Stage lightning etc.. GOOGLE (Search ad) is your home.
You want to connect with CEOs of Top companies you admire, LINKED IN has your answer.

Quit trying to build castles in the air when you don't even have a foundational plan of where you started from or how people will eventually reach out to you when the need arises.
A lot of influencers we respect are doing awesomely well on social media but their influence started from one main platform before they eventually launched out to other platforms

JOHN OBIDI: Facebook
PAUL FO: Instagram

Mind you, most of these influencers cum thought leaders, have put in sweat and blood to get to where they are don't think they got there overnight. Bros.. Get to work

And if you're yet to understand how it works, follow these steps

Pay for their training to gain access to their mentorship programs, It will shorten your journey..

If you don't have the said cash, head down to youtube and google, you will get tons of free materials begging for attention. Dedicate a minimum of six (6) months of your time to study them(at least 2 hours every day), you will be amazed at how much progress you will make within that short time.

Follow influencers that look like where you're heading to and learn to how you can implement the knowledge you have gained..

Quit wishing and storming into DMs asking for freebies after getting fired up by a content you've read from them and get down to work.
They have worked hard and burnt night candles to the filter out the results you see today.. Don't short change your learning curve by requesting value for FREE.

The sad truth is, only a few will follow the above tips to start taking action.
Little wonder a wise man once said,
"Everyone wants to be RICH but not everybody will be RICH"

However, I have penned down the way it is from my heart, hoping that someone somewhere, will somehow find value..
Even if it's just one person, then this post has fulfilled its purpose

Are you that One (1)person?

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