5 Reasons To Smile Every DaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lifestyle7 years ago

  Researcher from Strandford University found that smiling produces antioxidants in our body . The smile has the power to change our lives completely. Usually, the smile attracts people. Yes there is a real physical attraction which is connected to smile. It is not surprising, if you do negative facial expression such as scowls, frowns, grimaces these can work in a negative manner.    

Reduce stress 

Stress has routed as the silent killer in the 21st century. As we are progressing to a sedentary lifestyle, it has been found that 64% of people above 50 years of age are suffering from several lifestyle diseases. 

Brighten our mood 

If you are feeling little down try to smile, it will change your mood instantly. It can help to  refresh your mind with positivity and sense of self belief. Smiling is a trick which will help you out from your bad mood and the physical act of smiling really activates neural messaging in boosting your brain. Do consider taking a consultation at GoGo Smile center.Smiling will release neuropeptides as well as increase mood-boosting hormones which ultimately act to make our body more healthier. Smile is a natural antidepressant gifted by the nature. So, don't forget to make full use of it. 

The immune system gets better 

A smile has the power to boost your overall health. Smiling will actually help the immune system to function more effectively. It has been proved that with smiling our immune system functions properly.   

Make you positive 

As an activity example, just try to think of something very negative without losing smile on your face. It is very hard. You'll not be able to smile and the brain and the rest of your body will get the message. Depression makes you unhappy and releases chemicals that act in negative way to your body.   

Health benefits 

  •  Lower heart rate 

Smiling will relax our whole body and it slows the heart. People who are smiling very often those are only less suffered from heart disease. It will also help to reduce blood pressure. 

  •  Helps to reduce stress 

Stress a common problem for all in the modern world which cause many health problems. If you want to come out of stress then you have to smile throughout the day every day do not miss to smile. Because smiling releases endorphins which counteract these will demolish the stress hormones. 

  •  Better mood 

The name called endorphins will lift your mood. This will kick out of stress. In case if you are feeling down try to put a smile on your face even you are not able to smile just try to smile it will change your whole day with full of positive vibration. 

  •  Increase your productivity 

This has proven that smiling will increase your productivity when you working on your tasks 

  •  Encourage trust 

When you put a smile on your face people do trust you genuinely. Trust is the one essential thing to deal with people. A relationship can be built only by a smile.  

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