My Day So Far

in #lifestyle5 years ago


I decided to start playing Pokemon Go again after two years of not even opening the app. It warned me about dangerous conditions, great, that’s what I want. It’s just snowing, temp at 0 and not even windy, nothing dangerous about that, but it’s less people-y out there.


I took myself to a 5km walk while catching and hatching Pokemons and running errands. I went to get the last Christmas gift for a family member and I have zero Christmas stress. Well, I never stress about Christmas so...


It looks like we are going to have a barely white Christmas here. Though I’ll be a bit further up north for a few days so I assume it’s gonna be a little more wintery there.


There are some very pwetty lights set up around the main church but my phone photography and the conditions don’t do justice for them.


That’s all folks!


I want this snow 😔😔😶😶☝️ here this rain not want stop.

Did you get the storm that was promised to pass through the coastal areas?

It was small not big 👀👌🖖 but lets hope soon come next.

Legit day. I worked...Only two more days to go for the year though. Was 44 degrees here today. 45 tomorrow. Sucks ass...Not walking weather that's for sure.

Ugh, 44 as in Celsius!? 🥵

Yes, we use Celcius here. It's hot. Walking outside is like walking into an oven. It is hellish. 45 here today, and a town north of here has 48 forecast today...Hell!

45 in sauna feels cold, 45 outside would be hell. I think the max I've ever been in was about 35 in Thailand, and it was more than enough. Hope you are staying in a well airconditioned places.

Yeah, the sauna is much hotter...I'm saying hydrated which is important, and in the AC as much as possible but life goes on despite the heat. We tend just to get it done. I've been to Thailand many times and yes, it's hot there too...Different heat though, more humidity. A cool change is due to bring temps down to 30 tonight so looking forward to that!

What is all that white stuff on the ground? It’s new to me here in Vegas 😂😂😂😂

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Winter wonderland 😍 no snow yet in Vienna, but snow in a big city is not so convenient anyway 😄

No snow here but with the current "event" there are many icy Pokémon. If you want some gifts from Germany I'll send you my friendcode🎁😊 happy last days of year!

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Oh yes let’s be pokemon friends!

Great😊👍 I've sent you a memo🙂

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I sent you a request🙂

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