8 reasons why you should smile more.

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Sincere friendly smile is able to work wonders – it transforms smiling, and others involuntarily imbued with sympathy for him. If a smile is to the point and does not contradict the mood, it speaks to the positive psychological state of a person.
How nice it is to meet smiling people on your way! And I want to smile at them in response! Such a simple facial expression, as well as the eyes and lips, is the simplest, but really remarkable expression of our feelings, and its impact is really difficult to overestimate.
In the seething maelstrom of life, unfortunately, we often forget about this important means of communication, but a smile is an elementary way to show others that everything is going great and that you are just happy to meet them. Smiling people fast enough cause location, more effectively and in a short time "dispel" a possible confrontation.
You need to remember that these magical qualities it is true, coming from inside, a smile only a true smile comes from the heart. Such a benevolent facial expression is an undeniable decoration of any person, and at the heart of it is a positive attitude towards people.

But human emotion must be adequate to the situation, they should not contradict and disagree fully with his inner feelings and sensations. In the very same smile finds a direct reflection physiological and psychological state of rights. If he is well and happily, his smile wide and sincere, and he himself, as if illuminated by the light of the positive emotions, and if he is bad, his pained smile looks strained and unnatural.
Why should you smile more often?
You doubt the importance, and most importantly, the need for a simple human smile and think that your already complex and rich life, it does not diversify? you're wrong. Here are the reasons why you should try to use this emotional "strategic weapon".

  1. You are the owner of your mood, and a smile can quickly change it in a positive direction. If anger is raging inside you, you are disappointed, upset, angry or just tired of boredom, you can correct and change negative emotions in a few seconds, you just need to smile.

A positive state inspires a person and opens up new opportunities, because he begins to look at the world in a very different way: not through gray lenses of frown-suppressed glasses, but through a large lens of joy and happiness. And it completely changes everything-from personal feelings and own mood, to positive interpersonal relations with people around throughout the day.

  1. Do you want to feel like a happy person? Smile right now! it is difficult for you to do it – are you depressed and not in the mood? Force yourself to smile for at least thirty seconds! The extraordinary feeling by which you have forced yourself to change your emotional state, works perfectly in the opposite direction.

Forget for a moment about your problems and just smile, and your body at this time will begin to produce such wonderful chemicals that will help you feel happy. Put an experiment on yourself right now, at the same moment, and you will immediately feel the difference.

  1. You can change not only your mood, but also the emotional state of other people. Have you ever noticed that if you go to an audience, an office or a shop with a pleasant smile on your face, the world around you immediately changes?

People immediately begin to smile back at you, they sincerely want to help you. Any embarrassment or social tension instantly evaporates. Your communication and interaction becomes more immediate and open, calm and stable, it is literally permeated with new positive opportunities.

  1. Do you want to make a new acquaintance? you will help in this simple modest smile. After all, it makes a person really beautiful and really attractive. And smiling people, in addition, more sociable and confident. They magnetically attract others. This is another good reason to smile more often.
  2. A smile is a miracle remedy for stress. It easily helps to get rid of fatigue, congestion and wear. It is capable of greatly reducing the sense of trouble. When we smile, even with the help of a certain volitional effort, allocated by the body "hormones of happiness", can have an impact on reducing heart rate and breathing, thereby achieving a decrease in stress levels.

And this in turn has the most beneficial effect on health in General: there is an improvement in digestion, lower blood pressure and even normalized blood sugar.

  1. Smile is much easier in terms of physiology and much more useful for health than to show negative emotions. When people are angry, angry or frown, more than forty-three facial muscles are involved in these processes.

To play positive emotions our face will have to use only about seventeen muscles. But a smile will make certain muscles of your face much stronger, so its contour will become more tightened, and therefore you will look much younger.

  1. Your success depends on your smile, and all because people who are not shy to show their positive emotions appear to be more confident. Come to any business meeting or meeting with your best smile, and you will immediately notice that your partners react to you in a completely different way. It is believed that smiling people are more determined and decent.
  2. Smile more often-it's a wonderful habit! A person can determine which expression of his / her face is more appropriate in different situations. Try to remember what you have is a good open smile?

Agree, they are much nicer than the feelings in which you dip, when frown, angry, angry, or even does not show their feelings. You can not like those positive feelings, the catalyst for which is a smile! Try to develop a habit of smiling and feeling full of happiness you provided.

Cheerful and friendly smile, as well as cheerfulness and laughter conquer the minds and hearts of people since ancient times.
The one who is quietly smiling can oppose himself to any trouble without a doubt will be the winner of any, even the most deplorable situation. After all, the ability to master their feelings, maintaining mental balance, positive mood, charm and unwavering faith in themselves – these are the most important life assistants to any person.

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try to follow your advice

thank! I wish you a positive mood!

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