in #lifestyle6 years ago

Life is one thing which everyone cherish more than anything else. People do not want to die young or grow old. People can do all they can, all so they could not only stay alive but beauteous, young and strong.

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Many use all kinds of medication; follow different therapies; go on diet, eat rich foods in other to stay healthy. They take all kinds of products to enhance youthful looks.

Women apply beauty creams and make-up, and use the wig while men use hair dye to look younger. Many swear affidavit falsely in order to stay put in office.

The list of what many people are doing to appear younger is endless.

In spite of all these, old age still shows up.

We can all see it from the wrinkles to gray hairs; from the weak limbs to falling eyesights and missing teeth; then death.

Death will visit all and make the good foods, exercise, medicare and nice abodes of the people useless. It spares no one, not even the doctors, professors, presidents, governors and the highly-placed in our societies just as the poor also will die due to old age.

Humanity in general get beset with the incidents of ageing. Though the natural desire of humans everywhere is to live on, predicating our conviction on the admiration of longevity.

God made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart.

Humanity will love from longevity to eternity; something absolutely better.

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