About myself (long post)

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is henry and I would like to give everyone and backstory of myself and how I ended up being part of this awesome community.
I was and still am currently a student in University of Technology Sydney doing applied chemistry and back in the day, I thought getting a degree would be just a routine and after the degree, I would get a job handed to me. Years passed by and reality kicked in teaching me that getting a degree is literally a piece of paper with my name on it. There is no guarantees in life and a friend I knew has finished their business degree but is still 8 months looking for work.

The second thing I realised is that unis do not care at all for the students. The environment is totally not beginner friendly meaning if you are struggling in uni, you need to seek help your self by paying for tuition. However when it comes to stress and mental health issues, the Uni completely lacks on that department. There was this one subject I did called Spectroscopy and Structure. One day, I went to the lecturer and asked for help in this one question. After 5 minutes of a half arsed explaination, the lecturer said to me "Ok, I am busy with other things atm so you can go back home and read through the lecture notes" After that point, I was like in my head "Omg, what kind of $1000 education is this " At the last month of the semester, I learnt 80% of the subject from Khan Academy and youtube.

The third thing I realised is that the education system doesnt teach real life practical things such as how to deal with stress, how to maintain relationships etc. I was in depression for a couple a months but then after a chat with a friend who dropped out of uni, both of us on mid 2017 decided that we needed to make it out on our own without relying on the education system. My friend wants to do film and animation while I want to start a business. I heard and learned cryptocurrency and I wanted to start a business. And that is how I discovered this amazing community . Thanks for reading this post.

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