Stepping Back and Connecting

in #lifestyle6 years ago


When real life is a trying you have to sometimes unplug from everything. Take this break and realize what is important in this world moving so fast. Looking at my children who are growing up faster than I ever imagined.

So I’ve stopped and taken a breath. There are times that we all feel that we have to keep up, and I mean with everything. So instead I have started to slow down. With so much that I want to learn and incorporate into my life and that of my family I found that I was doing too much. We did not have the conversations that I wanted to have. It was more like your good, okay and we would move on to the next thing that we had to do. Or at least that we felt that we had to do.

The other day my husband slept for like five hours in the middle of the day. When he woke he felt like he had wasted the whole day. This got me to thinking, why do we feel like that? Sometimes we need our rest or even just have a day of nothing. No plans or anything, just being present. I felt that this is something that we just don’t do enough. We are all about hurry up and get busy.

My family and I have been turning off all electronics during meals. They aren’t even allowed in the same room. We talk about our day asking what was your high point, low point and what did you feel you could have made better for the day. This has changed a lot of the dynamic of our conversations not only with our daughter but even the conversations between my husband and myself. As a family, we are also trying to add in a daily walk just to be outside with one another. Not only are we connecting with each other but with nature too.

I think that adding these things into our everyday life is great for our whole family. Don’t let yourself get caught up in everything. Make sure you take a moment and just enjoy that moment of taking a sip of coffee or watching the clouds go by.

Is there anything that you do to take your moment? Does this sound like something you could add into your life? Is there some small piece of magic that you add in every day? Let me know I’d love to hear about it.

May your stars shine brightly on you.

(image is from

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