The Internet Has Become The Major Human Needs Worldwide

in #lifestyle6 years ago


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Internet! Hearing these words, may be very familiar in our ears. Internet is no longer a luxury item that only some people can have. Now, anyone, from any social background can get it. Well steemian friends, then on the one hand, the internet has become a major human need around the world.

Every day people around the world can not be separated from the influence of the internet. Everyone has internet on their respective gadgets. Everyone can surf through virtual screens without meeting each other. Surf without boundaries, boundaries of space and country boundaries. Everyone is free to give likes, comments or just a variety of cuitan to others.

Based on Global Digital 2018, the number of internet users worldwide from year to year increased dramatically. According to reports from We Are Social and Hootsuite revealed that now there are more than 4 billion people worldwide who use the internet. More than half the world's population is now connected online, with the latest data showing that nearly a quarter of a billion new users have been online for the first time in 2017. The fastest growth rate, with the number of internet users across the continent rising more than 20 percent year-on-year year.

The Internet has come globally, from the corners of the city to the corners of the village; from province to district. The internet comes with all the comforts, conveniences offered to humans as well as one source of chaos that leads to disunity.

In short, the internet is like a double-edged sword? it can be a blessing but it can also be a disaster. At this point, everything is left to internet users how it functions. The Internet brings blessings if used well for the benefit of mankind; as a means of sharing enlightening information. It would be disastrous if used to create chaos; used to benefit from individuals or groups; used as a weapon to knock down the other; used to incite others; used to spread misguided information, and spread false rumors to the public.


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Internet Impacts Extraordinary

The Internet has had a tremendous impact on every aspect of our lives. In particular, we can see how technology has changed our habits. Starting from the wake up to the move in the morning, the internet is always present. Even on the sidelines of a tough human-to-human conversation. For some people, this impact is positive, while for others it is negative. However, wherever we are, it is impossible to ignore the effects of technology today, especially the influence of the Internet. It has attached massif in our lives.

The Internet has also created an impulsive generation that makes people consumptive. This is due to the ease of easy access with fast and good accessibility. Others believe that the internet increases the chances of making smart financial decisions. For example, transact via online and sell or buy products. Apart from that, there is one thing that is clear: technology influences our habits of seeing things.

We all have a certain inclination. Some people are more disciplined, while others tend to be more impulsive and reactive in using the internet, such as steemit platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so forth. Internet technology has changed our character and inclinations. As the times progressed, the consumptive habit of accessing the internet gradually became in tune with the development of the internet today. The results of this evolution are felt in various ways in our life line.

But keep in mind, there is a real threat when using the internet. One example of a threat is transaction security. Due to security concerns, many consumers do not believe online shopping, and this fact makes consumers increasingly believe they are not protected by their rights on the Internet.

In principle, the internet is the most liberating thing in the world today. Change how people see news and media. The Internet can influence choices that involve our sympathy and empathy; forcing the government, the authorities, the people's representatives to be more honest to their people. The Internet can affect the level of political participation of the community; the internet in all possibilities also influences people to be unlimited creatively; determine the cost, time, ability to do business in the form of digital products. But unlike physical products, which need to be made for every sale, many digital products do not require more time and money.

Today, the internet has completely changed the way we communicate, respond, share, or entertain ourselves and others. The Internet has played a big role in improving the quality of human life. The internet is a powerful medium - that has changed the way we live and will continue to change in the future.

Until now we are all still in touch with the internet. Is it for us to decide whether we use technology to improve, change lives or instead put it on abuse that hurts us and many people? We must take great responsibility in using the internet wisely and ensure that we get the right information from a reliable source.


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Good! Steemian friends of course also really need internet. Because the community incorporated in the current steemit platform around the world definitely needs internet to access all the content. Hopefully my post is useful for steemit friends, especially useful for me.

By: @alexanderishak


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