Forgotten Life Beneath The Bridge

in #lifehope6 years ago
  • We live in a fast rhythm, happy moments pass by the speed of lightning. We seek ourselves in lonely moments, peace and quiet create a favorable climate for conversation with our own being. Holidays, Beautiful gifts we exchange with friends, remain in the frame of the transience picture. Where are you, where we lost the most beautiful years, where the sense of freedom disappeared without obligation. We are running towards goals, we are turning the numbers of stock market speculation, we can not buy years with money, we are only left this moment, we sail to our future. We heard about the past and the great wars, many people went to the mysterious direction of military maneuvers.

  • We look at the angelic faces of the children who are left without parents, we do not differentiate between good and bad in the politics of modern beasts. We count the money and Bitcoins, some grandmas and grandfathers now have no food, many sleep on the streets - I've seen many beautiful bridges that cover poor people. We created an isolated senses, our feelings disappeared in the material wind of new hurricanes. We are devoting our heart, the money has become more valuable than the soul - is this time recorded in the books of the prophet. We covered ourselves with selfish habits, we give 1 to get 2, interest and lust have replaced true love.

  • We made a massacre based on religious differences, we all have the right to the same God - he is one and only, we all receive rewards and punishments for our works according to the law of karma. To see others, we need to look under Steam Power, we need to watch the human heart and its spiritual dimension. We need to understand that we all get or lose everything according to the universal law of justice. How much wood we burned in our fireplaces, houses, how many new trees we planted. Whether life has meaning without good acts ? It is time to change, or this world will become hell, material problems can never be resolved without spiritual principles.

  • The Christmas time, the new year, I want to help those who do not have food, I want to support the essence of Steemit with human works. I am a little man, I have no power to help the whole world, but with you we can change the destiny of many people. I want to reward with SBD family that does not have food (I want you to help me to send SBD to the right address). Also, anyone who wants to donate can send money. Therefore, I ask all users to photograph and document who needs help, this is my modest gift for the holidays. If 10 000 users donate 1 SBD that is $ 100 000, we need to raise our work on Steemit to a higher level. When we give, then we get the most blessings. It's easy to love your child, true love is much deeper than that, we need to love unknown people because they are God's creation as well as our children.

  • Spirituality is demonstrated through practice @dobartim

This is a CRY for all steemians to commence and move the chain to better others. I think you need to be friend with some WHALES
I see the word HELP mention many times.
Your point is clear and intelligible.
HOPE is what we thrive for to help more.
Thanks for this post, well verse.
Keep on steemit.

If they recognize me as a person they need to support, it will be good

Svaka čast na idejama! :)

This is a very heartfelt advocacy @dobartim ! I wish I can give something.. I will try to share photos.. and I will definitely resteemed this.
$1 SBD is the minimum wage/day here in the Philippines. And it's sad to say but a lot are suffering from poverty. We must be thankful for what we have we're so much blessed because there's food on our table while others can't even eat once a day. They're lucky that they have huge investments and a fluctuation in the market is already a big blow, what more to those who don't even have a cent. We need to be contented with whatever we have, feel blessed and say thank you for whatever graces we receive.

Thank you very much @dobartim !

This is amazing my friend . i,m not on higher level but i have some SBD i want to donate 1SBD.
i,m sending 1 SBD to your wallet.
help every work as much as you can.
God will bless you always my friend

i want to help your idea i dont have a lot but easy i can sent to your acout 1steem dolar i learn how to doit i think

Thank you, it is important to find and to whom to send SBD - really to someone who needs it.
Easy to send SBD, just go to the wallet and click on sbd, transfer, upises username and 1 sbd - after you put your password

thanks , but i dont know to who send it , please keep it and send it for me Mary Xmas

See my last post and you see the point.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

That's right.
If you do not have the voting power, you can share my post on your wall

done , let me know if arrive 1SBD to you

I get - Thanks for this kind support.

you know if a can everything what you need , good luck my friend , you need to have 2 like that , 1 is from some days ago

Svaka čast na idejama! :)

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